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Servant of The Night

"A Prostitute" ie:Lady of the night

Mary worked as a servant of the night to pay for college.

by El Burro January 20, 2004

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Sacramento Civil Servant

The boogeyman of Northern California, this character has taken the form of various characterso ver time, including a demon, spirit, human and animal. It is said that he is virtually indestructible and roams the earth in the name of evil. There are several tales involving the Civil Servant, and they have a common theme- if a child misbehaves, then the Sacramento Civil Servant will get them and put them in his sack.

Not much is knonwn of the true origin of these stories. Some claim they were tall-tales spun by nomadic Lebanese immigrants wandering about Northern California at the turn of the 20th century. Others assert the stories are more recent, and are the work of a vindictive communist.

Borgnine, if you don't behave, the Sacramento Civil Servant will take you away!

If the Sacramento Civil Servant offers to trade you something, do not accept! His motive is pure evil!

by NVA Barry January 18, 2006

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Servant Leader Position

The "Servant Leader" is the favorite sexual position among married Christian couples who have experimented and know what works best.

- Wife lies on her stomach, legs apart, bottom elevated
- Husband lies face-down on his wife, and enters her from behind (the "rear entry" position)
- Husband embraces his wife, performing a "reach around" with his dominant hand (reaching under her and stimulating her clitoris) however she likes best
- Husband props himself up on his non-dominant elbow (to keep his weight off her so she can breathe) and reaches under her breast with that hand, stimulating her breast and nipple however she likes best
- Husband begins thrusting while continuing stimulation, paying close attention to her physical cues and his own body
- Husband times his own release as closely to hers as possible, for maximum mutual enjoyment

- The wife is passive, receiving penetration and pleasure at the hands of her capable husband
- The husband is in control of everything, and is responsible for his wife's pleasure and his own
- Husband can kiss his wife's neck and shoulders, and can whisper in her ear
- Full upper-body contact and the embrace-from-behind provide feelings of intimacy
- Perfect for the "tired wife, horny husband" scenario so common in marriage
- Echoes the Biblically defined marriage roles: the husband is in charge and the wife is submissive/passive, but his goal is to serve her completely, hence "Servant Leader"

My wife and I thought we knew about sex until we discovered the Servant Leader Position. Now sex is 10 times better for both of us!

Many people think the "Missionary Position" is how devout Christians have sex, but couples married for a long time know it is all about the Servant Leader Position.

by GodSex October 6, 2010

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milkguns servant#9540

worst co owner ever, would kick you for no reason. never invite them to your server

person 1: omg have u heard of milkguns servant#9540?

person 2: omg not them! theyre so mean!

by eatdeeznuts July 21, 2021


He is a bitch that try to play in uno all day everyday he consistently takes Lโ€™s and continues to try and play you do not engage him you will be highly aggravated

Bruh servante keeps playing me in uno

by Haydn April 25, 2018


A term used to define an orange-obsessed, decent IQ, very (very) hot, woman. The term derives from the word "mommy servant," and ancient Greek princess who ruled the kingdom of Orang-ia.

Her hair blew in the wind, as all the men of Greece tripped over her luscious personality. She had terrible relations, one that resulted in absolute agony. Andrew Tate, an ancient Greek prince, had broken her heart.

She will never bear another man again. She proceeded to use her hot-ness and amazing yonka yonka's... to rule the precious land of Orang-ia.

When you're under those covers with serv? You will be ejaculating in miliseconds....

She was such a servant, I wet my pants before we even made eye contact.

by chachaorangesforlife November 9, 2022


servant is a little gay person who also goes by lynx.

"have you seen servants latest post?"
"let me guess, is it about his boyfriend again"
"of course it is"

by #yasss November 25, 2021