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Shaman Flip

When a Psychonaut takes both Dmt and Salvia. Commonly achieved by Smoking Changa and Salvia with a Bong or Pipe using the Sandwich method

Man, last night I did a shaman flip, I was Tripping the Fuck out.

by FadingVapes December 10, 2020

Nam Shaman

A Vietnam Vet who was once a bloodthirsty jungle fighter or Huey pilot but has now turned to more peaceful pursuits. Was in "the shit." Typically wears garb like flowing Mexican wedding shirts, faded Zubaz pants, tigerstripe camo shorts and sandals. Has a long-flowing white beard or ponytail and wears druidic talismans around his neck that reflect past experiences: dogtags, spent bullet casings, Kokopelli figurines, dreamcatchers, etc. Currently employed as a helicopter tour pilot in Hawaii, docent at a New Mexico pottery museum or mid-level weed dealer in Santa Cruz. A fixture at street fairs and boardwalks, typically sells burl wood clocks and beach sunset photos. Speaks a patois of New Age babble, but throws in military jargon only a Nam Vet would know. Breaking into his home is not recommended, because though peaceful, he probably has a loaded M1911 semi-automatic pistol in his nightstand. Typically married to a Laguna Beach Lady who shops at Chico's and wears too much turquoise jewelry.

Did you see that Nam Shaman down at Venice Beach selling the whale paintings? He had a badass tattoo of an angel reigning down bombs from her outstretched wings!

by Sarzzo March 24, 2011

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byte shaman

A computer geek whose programming skills are far beyond ordinary; almost magical in a way.

Person 1: I have a virus on my computer that I can't get to go away.

Person 2: I'd take it to Dwight. He's a byte shaman when it comes to viruses.

by hurdlemaster13 January 28, 2010

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Shaman juice

1. a juice created by wizards of great majic for the attraction of crack foxes

2. the power weilded by the great shamans of old; wizardry

"Shaman juice is a known attractant for sneaky crack foxes"

"boy, i sure could use some shaman juice to purge these demons from my innards!"

by VvVirusvV April 6, 2009

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Shaman King

An awsome anime t.v show that features a boy named Asukura Yo(or Yo), in his quest to become Shaman King.

Though the t.v series is practically over, the exciting manga storyline continues.

Shaman King Fan: Dude I love Hao and Ren, they're so bad ass.

Shaman King Fan 2: Yeah, the t.v series was tight, but the manga storyline is pretty different.

by Pizzamanufdoom November 30, 2005

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Qanon Shaman

The Qanon Shaman is a mythical creature who only appears in riots and protests. They say if you look hard enough, you could see him at every protest and riot. His horns are said to open portals to anywhere within the USA.

"Hey have you seen the Qanon Shaman?"

by Juicey boy January 7, 2021

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shaman king

Shaman King, a manga by Hiroyuki Takei, debuted in the Weekly Shonen Jump in Japan in 1998. According to Shonen Jump, the title has sold over 16 million copies and won Takei the Hop Step Award and Tezuka Award.

The Shaman King anime series started in 2001 and ran for 64 episodes in Japan. Then, 4Kids picked it up and it aired in the US and around the world. No, there is no news about any more episodes and I would say the chance of them making more is about zero.

The last volume (32) of Shaman King was slated for a Dec 3, 2004 release in Japan. I don't know if it was ever released. Anime News Network reported late last year about how the manga was under strain and they weren't going to publish the last volume unless 50,000 people responded.

The manga ended at chapter 285 in Japan. In addition, Takei wrote a few chapters about Yoh and Anna's son, Hana, in the sequel "Funbari no Uta."

Recently, Takey said that he was thinking about doing another volume(33) 'cause the end of the manga was very incomplete.

4kids traduced shaman king, but they cut many important parts of the serie.

by Shiroyi September 8, 2007

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