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he is a very sweet guy
don’t let him get drunk at your house because you’ll end up knowing just how much he loves you and missing 50 dollars from your wallet
kind of a bitch all the time
has his man period 3 times a month

oh no you’re having a shane moment must be on your man period

by couchloverxxxx February 27, 2019

3πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Sexy, funny, sweet, a bit of an asshole. He has a naughty mouth and a rapier wit. He has gorgeous blue eyes and a devilish smile that makes you wonder what he is thinking, though he will never tell you. He has the most random thoughts and can make you laugh until you cry.

Shane is amazing...

by Hisgirl4eva January 31, 2012

1281πŸ‘ 280πŸ‘Ž


A boy with the biggest heart, but sometimes doesn't know what to do with it. Dates around but treats his women like gold while he has them. He has six different smiles, and beautiful eyes that show everything he's feeling if you pay attention. Has a good head on his shoulders, knows he'll get somewhere in life, and who he wants beside him while he's getting his life together. Would do anything for someone he loves, especially family. Can make you laugh, cry, smile, and angry all in the same day. Loves to argue, sports, and his little sister. Everything you could want in a man, and someone you'd be lucky to marry.

I wish i was like a shane, he gets all the bitches.

by GirlNextDoor13 December 19, 2011

644πŸ‘ 138πŸ‘Ž


A man of mystery, (Majestical Master)

Full of surprises. Jekyl and Hyde.

Each day is different when you know a Shane. Loving and attentive on good days. Snappy the Crocodile the next. However its impossible to stop loving him. He will give you guidance in many of lifes challenges, but he is a comedian/illusionist so have a gamble and enjoy the ride.

Shane is addictive... give a little. Take a little.

Somewhere over the rainbow the man will send you if you are lucky enough to meet him.
Shane is a priveledge and must be treated accordingly

Share a drop of heaven.
No gag. No go

And Mine

SHANE (Majestical master ),the one the only pussy whisperer

by Stunnedmulletfuck March 6, 2018

57πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


1. To consume without asking.

2. The act of drinking your friends beer and buying your own once a month.

That guy just took a beer, he didn't even pay he's totally shaning.

shame chaffer mooch jew anal

by TheJamesGang November 26, 2010


(V.) To shane; The act of working as little as possible yet still receiving the same compensation as coworkers.

Dave shaned so hard last night and I still had to split my tips with him.
Yeah, Dave is always shaneing. He’s a real peice of shit.

by Cheese Waffle August 19, 2018

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


another term for "sexy beast"

Omg, I can't breathe! I think a shane just walked by.

by NiniComiPoopi July 25, 2008

5921πŸ‘ 2025πŸ‘Ž