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A home wrecka, otha wise known as a hoe, a hoe that messes up perfectly good relationships

Bitch he only with u cuz u a sideline hoe!

by La-La91 April 1, 2007

337๐Ÿ‘ 191๐Ÿ‘Ž

sideline hater

A fake friend who secretly wishes you to fail at everything.

Since my friend Jon secretly wanted me to get my ass beat in a fight, he was being a sideline hater.

by Night_Nite May 26, 2014

10197๐Ÿ‘ 6645๐Ÿ‘Ž

sideline nigga

A dude that take the place of a starter when he ain't doing his job. Aka Chris Byrd

Girl 1 : Girl what's wrong?
Girl 2 : My man ain't shit
Girl 1 : Call your sideline nigga from off the bench

by Thotty McSidelined December 6, 2013

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

sideline sleeze

A man child, who waits on the sidelines; or even facilitates friend's breakup, only to sleep with the friends ex.

Evan is such a sideline sleeze, which one of his friends ex's will he hook up with next?

by Dirtnapper effect September 3, 2015

Sideline Chicks

A girl or girls that scout out/seek a guy like groupies. They are always watching him, and dig his style.

Tom: Girl forget about the sideline chicks, ain't nothin gonna interfere wit our relationship.

by Big-T-58 October 22, 2006

43๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

sideline shower

When the shitty plumbing of your building causes the shower to only work at two temperatures: "boiling fucking hot" and "dick shriveling cold," causing you to have to stand to the side of the water stream and touch it really quickly just to clean yourself.

Fuck this seedy motel, the water is so god damn piss ass cold, I have to take a sideline shower unless I want my dick to shrivel up like a raisin.

by dudetagged September 25, 2009

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Sideline Number

An disposable phone number one gives to acquaintances instead of ones actual phone number. Used to protect ones identity, reputation or to deflect unwanted advances at the club.

Popularized by RussDiemon's single, "Sideline Number"

I always give tinder dates my sideline number in case they turn out to be crazy!

by tacoraj March 23, 2017

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