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In a situation where men are living in confined quarters and are hard up for sex, another man may offer himself up as a sexual partner or "sister" in exchange for other favors. Alternatively, the man's anus may be referred to as "his sister" in such a situation. Although their actions may be homosexual, the men involved may not actually consider themselves gay.

Joker: "I wanna slip my tube steak into your sister. What'll you take in trade."
Cowboy: "What do you got?"

by John Bigbooty February 16, 2014

3๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you're friends with someone just to meet their hot sister

Why are you hanging out with him, he's such a jerk?
I know, but have you seen his sister?
I get it, sistering.

by H. Archer May 24, 2016


The term utilized (including quotes) to refer to a lesbian's significant other when said lesbian is seeking to keep their gay sexual orientation unknown.

Elizabeth says she is bringing her "sister" on the company trip. No one is buying that dyke's bullsh#t.

by Bdude12 September 9, 2007

30๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


The daughter of your parents... more commonly known as your lover

1. My sister is a bitch
2. Man I love my sister so much we are getting married next week.

by Masonw070204 May 12, 2019

13๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


The sibling you use to practice unethical and risky bedroom experiments such as sex, kissing, snogging, and worse stuff before doing it to your girlfriend or desired victim.

Me and my sister have been charged for incest since we both did redacted in the basement storage room

by Person #37878678 November 29, 2022

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a whinning bitch from hell.

My sister got kicked out of hell for being such a bitch.

by Shroomster77 September 21, 2008

446๐Ÿ‘ 324๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Sisters

Short for "The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence." The Sisters are a world-wide order of 21st Century, queer nuns who serve the LGBTQ and other marginalized communities. The members of the all-volunteer organization, after an extensive training process, take lifelong vows in service of the community. Namely, to promulgate universal joy, expiate stigmatic guilt, and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. They accomplish their vows in countless ways, but the most common are through progressive, social activism, street theater, and non-denominational ministry without judgement. They also raise thousands, upon thousands of dollars each year which they grant out to those in need. www.thesisters.org

Hey, The Sisters are hosting Easter In The Park in GG Park again this year. The theme is "WTF Mary? Hunky Jesus, Take The Wheel." You wanna go with me? I bet you'd win the Hunky Jesus contest!

by Sister Dharma Gettin' February 22, 2015

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