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A typo of skrt,which is used as an onomatopoeia of tire screeching to hint that one have a luxury car.
It’s kinda derogatory and ironic,can be use to satirize fake word-of-mouth.

”What do you think of the Xris’s new rap?”
John smith:”skr,skr,skr.”

by AntiNCF July 31, 2018


In 2018, famous rapper kris wu used the word SKR to judge contestants on Chinese variety shows, leading many to use SKR to mock kris wu on China's popular social network weibo.


by kris fanfan July 31, 2018


the same pronounce with Chinese"死个"

( This word started to get popularised in China from HUPU after a TV show called the Rap of China ).


by xiao skr ren July 31, 2018


A word that is currently wide used over Chinese social media, to mock those fan girls/boys who can not make righteous judgement when it comes to her/his idol. The world skr became popular over the internet as the show “the Rap of China”, as one of the mentor Kris Wu intentionally saying this word over and over again, his ability of teaching others to rap was questioned by others - he can barely rap without autotune. However, his fan girls/boys chose to ignore the truth and claim that he was set up by others; they acted as victims to cyber bully those who have questioned kris wu. Therefore, the word skr is used by the internet to mock the fan girls/boys.

A: Why does everyone hate my idol?
B: I don’t know what to say but skr Skr Skr~

by LMAO___ July 30, 2018


Used by a stupid rapper who is lack of skills, usually used to give compliments to other rappers who are much more talented than him

He is very skr.

He’s a skr rapper.

by Giant Bread August 10, 2018


A meme widely spread on Chinese social network sites. Originally misused by Canadian Chinese pop star Kris Wu on a TV show "The Rap of China", skr then becomes a ridiculous way of complimenting a person, a song, a rap flow, and etc. But in fact, it makes no sense.

That flow is skr skr...
You are skr

by whenpigflies July 31, 2018


Expressing ridicule or humorously describing something is going too far (The use of this word get started by a trending celebrity Kris Wu who pretentiously saying and misusing that word in a TV show called the Rap of China in July 2018, and becomes a mockery quickly online).

A: "Today's so hot!"

B: "Skr~"

A: "This song is Skr!"
B: "Absolutely his rap sucks."

by arthuyang2 July 31, 2018