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Scottie Slippin

noun, adjective: A word evolved from the all time great Chicago Bull, Scottie Pippen: If someone is slackin, trippin, failin, or on tilt; straight wack

"Damn dawg, you didn't take that jaun home wit you the other night? Damn dawg, you Scottie Slippin.

by C--Nooch5 April 6, 2011

caught slippin

to be caught off guard, in a very bad way.

that bitch in the lexus got caught slippin.

that fool from 387th street got caught slippin last night and was blasted.

by wastinmoola January 25, 2004

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slippin' the slab

When a male succeeds in engaging a girl in a sexual encounter. The slab is to be interpreted as a phallic device.

Dude, are you tryin to slip her the slab?

Person 1: Where's Luke going with that girl?
Person 2: Oh he's slippin' the slab to her.

The chick wants the slab slipped to her so badly.

by rahzah October 18, 2010

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slippin on semen

when you get caught doing something gay

β€œBro he slippin on semen”

by Oldhag3 April 17, 2021

Slippin' a Mickey

1) To make the mistake of dating a complete narcissist / scared little boy; 2) Deservedly giving a sociopath large amounts of acid with boner pills and jumping them in an alley; 3) A new form of martial arts kick that lends opponent physically inept. (typically used as a sole form of revenge on the mentally inept)

Jane: "What an ahole. What did you do?"

Mary: "What else could I do I was Slippin' a Mickey. Cops found him in the alley with a raging hard on."

by Mickey Mcfancy May 24, 2012

Slippin on that oil

Taking opiates...and usually fucking up while you're on them.

Chamillionaire, Paul Wall, Bun B, and Pimp C stay Slippin on that oil.

by tangy putananny January 9, 2010

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slippin jimmy

When you're too tired or too lazy to have "normal" sex and you slip it in from the side

Why don't you lose those trousers there big boy and give me a little "slippin jimmy" it's been a long day.

by G&M84 February 26, 2016

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