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First invented (allegedly) by Dan Mace. Means let's get things done. A whole episode of 368 by Casey Neistat is titled after this phrase "SMACK IT."

For example, let's just smack it on the plane, meaning let's get it done when on the plane.

by Amycrackpot April 20, 2018

560πŸ‘ 326πŸ‘Ž

Smack That

Giving a booty a little tap or a squeeze on the ass cheeks. Typically a saying or a phrase.

Shawty didn't like it when I came up behind her and decided smack that good looking booty of hers.

by Smack That June 11, 2014

36πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


smack is:
a) heroin
b) to slap a bitch in a rude way
c) the noodles (smack ramen)
d) vagina, you dip shit

a) dude i need to stop using the smack.
b) i smacked that bitch.
c) i ate all your smack
d) i fucked her and she had a tight ass smack.

by b790790d March 25, 2005

1487πŸ‘ 1003πŸ‘Ž


A person or thing that has an idiotic demeanor and may have dumbass tendencies or be whack without even being aware of it, or may simply just be similar to a smacked or slapped ass.

"Dude, did you hear that Cade was hanging out with Tiff again the other night? Man, he's so smacked bro."

"Can you believe Emily is making us scrape all these trays by ourselves? This is so smacked."

"What the hell? This guy just ordered a delivery five minutes before close. He's such a smacked ass."

β€œDid you catch what Trump said yesterday at the White House? He is smacked as hell. I can’t beleive he has supporters what a bunch of lil’ smackies.”

by lilsmackie515 September 26, 2018

29πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


When someone has taken ecstacy and after the energetic facet of the drug has worn down, the user feels like they want to sleep. They could even sleep on the ground in the middle of the city. Usually comes as an after-effect of a really energetic night then a few hours later you feel really tired. Probably because the energy is coming from no-where and your adrenal glands are putting out energy they don't have.

'What's wrong man?'
'Awww fuck I'm smacking hard.'

by Erin Hellyeah May 29, 2008

77πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


disrespectful comments made toward or about someone

all through the interview, all he did was talk smack about A-Rod...not cool!

"don't lay any of your smack on ME, flip!"

by ColdOne November 14, 2005

595πŸ‘ 445πŸ‘Ž


To hit, usually with one's hand

Roger: I'm going to smack you in the face!

by gbiche April 23, 2006

483πŸ‘ 362πŸ‘Ž