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When one (usually a biological female) sneezes and queefs at the same time.


“I just sneefed!” “If you don’t stop, I’m going to sneef on you!”

by Sneef1 September 7, 2023


A sneeze and a queef at the same time.

Oh my god did she just Sneef?

by Somebody that you used to kill July 25, 2014


An erotic video featuring a *once in a lifetime* performance.
An utterance of annoyance.

That scene was sneef!
Sneef! I stuffed that one up!

by Wordup November 7, 2003


A verb that describes the 2 part act of: 1) person 1 placing their nostril on person 2's anus then 2) person one draws in air through their nose ("sniffs") as person two farts ("beefs"). Its a cross between a sniff and a beef. Hence "Sneef"

Remember when Rob sneefed Peter at the company party? I almost ralphed!

by Plashdog August 21, 2014


Its a shortened version of Sneef Borkle, which is a variation of the term: Beef Snorkle- which is a tube of meat.

Who taught you how to drive?! ya Sneef...

by fo shizzzle June 28, 2023


Sniffing of the toe pits. Inhalation so deep that you can feel the air between your toes.

That sneef was exactly what my foot needed. When my girlfriend was done sucking my toes she finished with a sneef.

by funkmasterjes July 12, 2013


Sneezing into a vagina while performing oral sex.

He sneefed into her because of an allergic reaction to pubic hair.

by KawasakiGuy January 30, 2016