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The act of punching, preferably a Guidette, directly in the face after an insult directed toward ones lack of guido attributes. Also see Snookied

That bitch just got snickered after she told Mikey D that his fake tan was so cheap he must have gotten it from the Dollar Store.

by MickPunker December 11, 2009

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


The official act of shooting a 3-point shot from the far left or the far right of the hoop and making it. The feeling you get when you make it is the same feeling you get when you bite into a brand new Snickers.

Tevin- Hey Jimmy! How come you haven't had a Snickers in long time?

Jimmy- I'm trying!!!!

Tevin- Oh well, you must like Reese's.

by Mr. Rugby November 3, 2011

13πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


the new brokeback.

derived from a controversial snickers ad that aired during the super bowl that depicted two men accidentally kissing, then ripping out their chest hair to prove that they are "manly."

the ad pissed off over-reacting gay rights activists as well as social conservatives, proving once again that the lunatic fringes on either side of the political spectrum have no sense of humor.

wow, clay aiken is so snickers.

by lighten up February 7, 2007

30πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


the feeling you get after a good shag when you find it increasingly hard to move any part of your body, and would just like to sleep. completely comatose.

afterwards, i was so snickered i dropped my fag on the bed and i couldnt even move to pick it up.

by even more anonymous September 27, 2007

10πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A black guy’s dick.

-I love snickers, they’re my favorite snack!
-Yes! I love sucking them in the gloryhole after taking a shit ton of poppers.
-Girl what?

by iammemyselfandi August 13, 2022


sticking your pointed finger into someones asshole after diarrhea, and then licking it and spreading the poop inside their nose and mouth.

"Man Im finna snickers tf outta you tonight"

by chicken lovely April 22, 2021


a candy bar that satisfies

I offered my friend some snickers, he not himself when he's hungry

by DownSyndromeDan August 13, 2019