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weird sex act only done by japanese.
you shove a bunch of pubic hair in your partner’s mouth, next you deficate all over his or her face then scream “LOCK’N’LOLL IS HERE TO STAY!!!!!” as you ejaculate.

gaijin #1 “dude, i’m horny as fuck”
gaijin #2 “i’d tap dat ass

by chinkomanko December 5, 2021

solly japanese onry

very very racist stuff in japan

japanese dude #1 "i'm so sooo solly!"
japanese dude #2 "i'm soooo solly too!!"
american dude "dafuq?"
japanese dude #1 "solly japanese onry!!!!"

by omeko February 14, 2022


(N.) Krusty the Klown's favorite catchphrase to insult Asian American people.

I'll have you know I'm 1/8th Chinese (Okay, No I'm Not) and that is very insulting to me! (Okay, No It Isn't)

by G-Union 2 September 11, 2004

125👍 57👎


Normally a fuck boy . He’s a sollie

He is such a sollie

by Burn Bitch November 11, 2019

solly bub

a person who loves to stinky gremlin all night long. can also be a person that grabs your dick while you are trying to have a piss at work or school.

that guy is a real solly bub.

by bigpenis76 March 9, 2023

solly biceps

Someone who casually gets minimal box on a daily occurrence. Although there is seemingly an effort, there is no obtained box to be found.

Solly Biceps for the Three!(gets no box)

by obtainedbox April 4, 2023

Kyan sollis

The epitome of Alpha Male
The smartest guy around

10/10 sexy motherfucker
Massive shlong the living embodiment of hot

Kyan Sollis has a massive knob

by KYAN SOLLIS IS FIT June 26, 2024