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Internet Spaceships

An Eve-Online related term.

A reminder to not get too worked up about the game.

It goes along with the game "chase the ball": AKA soccer.

Soccer can be a serious sport. But when you put a bunch of 3 year-olds on the field, the parents of said 3 year-olds often need reminding of what those kids are really playing.

Even when dealing with profession levels, it is still just a game of "chase the ball". Maybe if people used that term more often there would be less violence and rioting in connection with the sport.

The term "internet spaceships" serves as a simple reality check, that this is only a game, and people should not be building their lives entirely around something so trivial.
Original post by "Ki Tarra"

Someone said "internet spaceships are more important than life and death to you" and I said "Listen, it's more important than that"

by Eve Online dude March 17, 2008

84πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

spaceship status

originates from a group of friends in Northern Virginia, who described the act of driving a car, while being high, as floating or how it would feel to be in a spaceship without an exerting gravitational force. Definition: to drive while high off marijuana; to simply be really high.

-"Dude, I'm about to drive home spaceship status"
-"Hahah word."

-"Yo I'm trynna be spaceship status tonight!"

by NovaKid April 14, 2010

179πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

Internet spaceships

It's serious fucking business. Get yo shit togheter.

noob: sry guise ive to go lunch wid my wifey
CEO: Sweet semen of baby jesus, Internet Spaceships are serious business, divorce her and improve the pew pew!

by LulzShip November 9, 2012

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Mexican Spaceship

What some workers on a jobsite call the portable toilets (Port-a-Lav, Port-a-John, PortaPotty or what ever company name they go by in your region)

Overheard on a jobsite...Hey, look at those guys coming out of the Mexican Spaceship with their hard hat on...they look like astronauts of some sort...besides, who wears a hard hat to the toilet anyway?

by G.Industries June 18, 2006

43πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Cocaine Spaceship

A Tesla. This reference stems from Tesla’s full self-driving capability and what Tyla Yahweh feels like he’s flying when he’s high as shit.

Steve: Well the whole point of Tesla is that you’re able to drive impaired and like fucked up... it’s a Tesla; it’s a Cocaine Spaceship. Shout out to Tyla Yahweh.

by Pepe El Rey July 18, 2020

Spaceship Earth

A dark ride located in Disney World, Orlando's Epcot park.
it stands as a large geosphere at the entrance. in the ride, you are transported through time learning about language and commication: from the prehistoric era all the way into the future.

At the end, you see a photo of earth suspended above you. giving you the feeling of being on the moon or in space. next, You're car goes into reverse and you slowly go down through, "The global Neighborhood" before returning to the unloading dock.

Spaceship Earth. The world's largest golf ball.

It's not a golf ball, stupid. It's one of those...Dark rides or whatever.

COOL!!! let's go!

by Zavix February 23, 2008

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Mexican Spaceship

Construction site bathroom, also known as a "blue house" or port-a-john.

The laborer had too many tacos the nite before so he relieved himself in the Mexican Spaceship.

by Boss June 18, 2006

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