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Squaw Valley

The training grounds for the best skiers around. Held the Olympics a while back. KT-22, one of the chairlifts here, was voted #1 in the western hemisphere.
Unlike Vail, Aspen, or East Coast resorts, Squaw is really fun and chill. There's a reason why the biggest cliffs are right below the chairlifts. It's a playground and if you're good, you just might get lucky. Lots of pro skiers call Squaw Valley home, and a few have died from having a bit too much fun. C.R. Johnson, Shane McConkey, we miss you.
There's 4,000+ acres of amazing snow. Most of the time ski patrol is chill, so you might be able to add a bit more to that.
This is ski resort to hit.

Squaw Valley aka Squaw... topless women shredding, Olympic lifestyle, oh and did I mention the best skiing in the western hemisphere?

by Tahoeboy March 2, 2011

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Wonky Squaw

Pseudonym for wife particularly when behaving irrationally and/or under the influence of hormones.

I'd love to come for a beer but the Wonky Squaw would kill me.

by ud40 February 23, 2005

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gummer squaw

A gummer squaw is something you find on or near the rez (Indian reservation). It is a dried up old nasty broad with missing teeth from drugs, old age or domestic violence from a life time of several different bucks. Usually get taken home only after last call, but before the lights come back in.

"Hey Jonas, let go up to the Red Pony, get all fucked up and smoke some penners. There's usually a couple old gummer squaws hangin around up der!"

by Whiskey drinker April 23, 2017

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squaw hopping

the rape of a native woman.

men rape a native woman, but instead of calling it "rape" they call it "squaw hopping". it is a dehumanizing, racist term which justifies the crime of rape on the grounds of the woman being a "squaw". thus, in some minde, rape becomes not "rape" (a serious crime) but "squaw hopping" (the same as rape but renamed to reflect the rapist/s racist beliefs).

by miss_anthrope July 17, 2008

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pole squaw

Two females who have got fucked (sexual intercourse) by the same dude or dudes. If there are multiple shared ducks, the females become heavy pole squaws. These hoes are ratchet and / or bougie.
The female equivalent of a Eskimo Brother or Tunnel Buddy.(guys that have fucked the same female)

Danny: Dude Sam and Lindsey have had the same dicks in them!
John: Yeah, fucking pole Squaws.

by JohntheArborist November 25, 2020

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Squaws a Chaw

Asking one to move over or make room.

Since the bench was full, she asked me to squaws a chaw.

Since no space was available on the bench, I had to tell her that there is no squaw to chaw.

by AnxietySlywalker February 22, 2022

pole squaw

Two females who have been f***** or had sexual intercourse with the same email when there are multiple males shared between the two females they become heavier pole squaws. The equivalent of an eskimo brother or a tunnel buddy or two males that have shared the same female they sometimes have daddy issues and drug problems and will usually be either ratchet or boujee

Danny: dude Lindsey and Sam have had the same dicks in them.
John: yeah man I know they are such heavy Pole squaws

by JohntheArborist November 25, 2020