Source Code

Berlin Squirter

When you mix the dirt you find in front of the FΓΌhrerbunker with some water, drag it into a turkey baster, and then squirt it directly into somebody's vagina in the rare hope that the process will birth the next Adolf Hitler.

"I'm feeling like changing the world tonight. Give me the Berlin Squirter, daddy."

by SentientMalos May 30, 2016

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A woman of unattractive size that squirts a load upon reaching climax.

Commonly used also in conjunction with referencing sluts etc.

"Ugh, are u talking about jaimelea?"

"Yeah bro."

"She's fucking disgusting. All the boys have been through that fat-squirter."

by PizzadippedinRanchsauce August 10, 2017

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turd squirter

another name for the anus.

my turd squirter is so sore from all the diarrhea i've had this week.

by poopshoota November 12, 2010

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ketchup squirter

either from std's, frequent masterbation, or inbreeding, this is when a male can ejaculate blood at will

guy: what do you want first the white milk or the fruit punch?
girl: mmm give me the fruit punch

guy: they dont call me a ketchup squirter for nothing

by a white racist-dom f May 22, 2011

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squirter mcfurter

Master of cum
The one who women look for a good squirting time

Yo Ron Burgundy is the real squirter mcfurter

by Weenie bo Beenie February 15, 2005

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Ranch Squirter

A woman that vaginally injects ranch dressing, then squirts it onto a salad where another woman eats such salad.

That chick is a ranch squirter.


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squirter squad

the squirter squad is a group of super cool people the members are Maya,Toby,Sam,Bean and Nox

woah look there so cool i think thats the squirter squad!!

by anna bernom November 19, 2021