Source Code

in stone

Like saying facts or TRUTH except way more official

Person one: Pizza is the perfect balance of all life’s greatest attributes.

Person two: Yessss. That’s in stone!

by ShoulderBoulder December 16, 2019

A Stone

It's a rock, what'd you expect? Well, another word for rock. I don't know! You should already know what a stone is!

Luigi: Mario! Look what I made!
Mario: That's a stone Luigi, you didn't make it.

by Scramptomtans September 9, 2018

47πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


When one is killed as a form of capital punishment where a group throws stones at a person until death ensues.

Man 1: Yo I got so high last night and fucked this bitch last night...
Man 2: What! Adultery!?! Stone him!
(Crowd proceeds to pick up rocks and throw them at Man 1 until Man 1 is completely stoned to death.)

by Abraham101 March 20, 2013

23πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


the greatest feeling on the planet. achieved by the smoking of the cannabis plant which can be purchased from a dealer near you

"if im you, and youre them, and im her, but theyre me, who does that make us?"
"erm... man dis would b so much easier if i wasnt stoned"

by its a dopedate August 23, 2007

80πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

The Stones

Short for The Rolling Stones

IMO, The Stones are the greatest band of all time

by StonesFan1 November 17, 2009

31πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


To be under the influence of marijuana. Usually associated with bloodshot eyes, the munchies, and unexplained laughter.

I was so stoned last night I watched my dog eat a ham sandwich like it was cool.

by scoburn July 29, 2003

2846πŸ‘ 986πŸ‘Ž


a time when you come up with the funniest quotes in the world and your a fucking genious but dont remember any of it in the morning...

See the movie Blow w/ Johnny Depp.

by DW April 4, 2004

1984πŸ‘ 749πŸ‘Ž