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Stupor Stoned

To be so stoned that one is put into a stupor.

Is said to be brought upon by smoking Mids to Schwaggy quality marijuana.

"Man, I was so stupor stoned last night, my dog like, told me to quit smoking weed."

"Haha- that's what you get for smoking mids!"

by Captain Cornwallace January 26, 2009

The Stupor Bowl

(n). Any big, important game (the Super Bowl, Cotton Bowl, or other championship game), marred by bad calls, which forces the watcher to not care about the outcome and get extremely drunk, because the game is either fixed, or compromised by horrific refereeing.

I was really watching a great game with the Saints versus the Rams. However, it turned into The Stupor Bowl, when the officiating got out of hand and the game became lopsided. So, I knocked back a six pack, and said, "Fuck it".

by boggler February 1, 2019