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Super Awesome Tate Andy Newman

The antichrist and bringer of fear. He is secretly Satan and will steal your kneecaps.

Hey, did you vote for Super Awesome Tate Andy Newman for prom king?

by MangoPineapple May 2, 2023

super foxy mega awesome hot

not just beautiful, too sexy to be alive

"she's beautiful"
"are you kidding? more like super foxy mega awesome hot

by sarwall May 11, 2020

Wow, super awesome, very cool

Used when someone tells you something they are proud of but you say “I don’t give a shit” in a sarcastic manner. This phrase is common in the Kansas City, KS area.

Friend: Hey Bill, I just got into Harvard!

Bill: Wow, super awesome, very cool

by Kool_Tyga999 October 7, 2021