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swining is when someone is whining about a fake advantage in a video game or calling cheats on someone

player1: bro your actually aimbotting
player2: I'm obviously not stop swining

by FrozenNeverSleep September 9, 2023

the swine

any illness that could possibly have come from mexico or any other spanish speaking country.

my thats a terribly cough you have. hope you didn't catch the swine. really. stay back.

by dr.babe April 29, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


The "pigs" of our society, the ones see no problem with engaging in the gluttony of society.

The swine have nationalized the banks, bailed out banks and car companies, and made billions of dollars off our stupidity and greed and we are paying the bills... still.

by Blotofink June 18, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


White women, derived from pork being bad for the black man and the black man's recent craze for white women which in turn, has gotten many black men locked up or accused of rape, assault, etc. Pork+White Girl=SWINE.

My mom is a former black panther, so she told me when i went away to school, "Don't be up there messin' with the swine!"

by A concerned black man May 22, 2011

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The Swine

1. a phrase used in place of "Swine Flu."

Did you hear why Amanda wasn't at school? She came down with the Swine!

by LiquidSqui October 24, 2009

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Any act that can potentially put one at risk for aquiring yhw H1N1, aka Swine Flu, virus.

"Did you see Joey macking it with that girl?"
"Doesn't she have swine?"
"Oh yeah he's totally swining."

by Rubes92 November 7, 2009

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The act of drinking wine and having sex

I went out with J tonight and the night ended with us swining.

by T.Herm September 9, 2008

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