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A position in which you put both arms out on each side to form a T.

"Hey Dylan T-Pose with me? REEEEEE"

by Shrek's Daughter January 25, 2019

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1.The art in witch a group of men and or ladies get in a group and surround a victim in the shape of a T accompanied with the halo theme song.

2.Religious ritual which is served as an offering to the god of all things. usually done on Tuesdays

3.show you extreme dominance as well

Bully - give me your money B U S T E R
Guy - *t poses*
Bully - sorry m8 here's mine

To perform a t-pose, one must stand with a blank expression with their feet together, and raise their arms to their sides until their stance is similar to the letter T

by titty sucker 69 August 2, 2018

8πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A level up on a hater dab. If a Jake Pauler dabs on you because you are apparently a hater, you must t-pose. It repels all haters and Jake Paulers alike. When you t-pose on a hater, it shows that you are dominant and they are now under your control.

J-Pauler: get dabbed on!
You: t-pose
J-pauler: I'm sorry I did that to you master. i shall go and not dab ever again.

by Casio123456 December 17, 2018

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T pose

A way to show that you are superior and want to assert dominance

Person 1: *t poses*
Person 2: *bow's down to the god*

by Mr. squeaker September 3, 2019

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when teenage boys haven’t come out of the closet yet πŸ™‚

person 1: what are those guys doing?
person 2: the T-pose, I think they’re trying to attract the men.
person 1: ohh, that explains everything.

by allysworld443 December 24, 2018

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T pose

A weird thing the emo kids at my school decide to do because they suck (EMO IS BAD)

Emo kid Josh: Hey Carrie
Normal kid Carrie Oh hey Jo- why are you like doing that
Emo kid Josh: It's just my T pose

by Normal-kidTerry February 12, 2019

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T Pose

What a 3D character is before put into moving animations and what not.
Is now used for millennial humor as the β€œHit the T Pose” meme that only 6th graders find funny.

β€œY’all mind if I hit dat T POSE??”
β€œEric, shut the hell up.”

by Chipthechip May 31, 2018

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