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Short for "tap-ableness". It's a measurement of how fuckable a person is. Similar to sex-appeal.

How is her tableness? I'd tap that ass any day!

by Niels Bohring February 19, 2010

24๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be completely and utterly hammered. We're not just talking about being a little tipsy, were talking about a mild inability to stand up. This is way past the stage where your puking on the unfortunate person you're hitting on. This is like the stage right before you pass out completely and get your stomach pumped and romantic affairs with inanimate objects no longer seem that out of the question.

Ohhhhhhh maaan... i have no idea where i am, will you help meee? (grabs fork and starts talking to it) Noooo... I'm not drunk.(giggles) I've only had a couple of beeeeers. Dooo you luv meee??? I luuuv you... (passes out, wakes up in either the hospital, the county jail or someones front lawn with a very painful hangover)

Man I shouldn't have gotten so tabled last night... that was a badddd idea.

by Zkello March 1, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

The table

1) Another name for James Hetfield of Metallica, after he furiously yelled about it on Lou Reed and Metallica's "The View", from the album Lulu

2) An object on which you put things, and is usually eaten off, when sat at with chairs.

James Hetfield:
I am the root

I am the progress

I'm the aggressor

I am the tablet

These ten stories

by Dave Mustardstaine December 30, 2013

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A place to have sex at.............SOMETIMES

Eat me like Iโ€™m a table

by Pnnis January 17, 2021


The thing my computer sits on as I'm writing this. Usually used to eat with friends and families, and at gatherings.

Family member 1: Hey where are we going to be eating?

Family member 2: At the dinner table.

by Jon Jacob Jingleheimer Schmit November 6, 2020





46๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


Why the fuck are you looking up a table on the urban dictionary?

John: Hey man did you see that nice lookin table back there?

Jack: why the fuck would I be interest in a table?

by Fleshlights are very pleasing January 1, 2021

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