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Take Care of Business

Masturbation primarily for maintenance and not necessarily for self gratification. Without it, one may not think clearly, act rationally, or make the best decisions around the opposite sex.

Much like clearing bats out of the belfry.

Brian: I screwed up last night with Karen. I was off my game.

Simon: 'Cause you weren't thinking dude, all you wanted was to get laid.

Brian: Huh. Really?

Simon: Next time, take care of business before seeing Karen.

by MuffyDev August 7, 2010

26πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Take care of home

What a man says when he acts like he really be doing everything by going to work and paying a bill or two but actually don't take care of a damn thing at home including his woman, fixing shit, yard work or chores. He actually don't take care of home at all. He just feels that way.

Why u trippin?? I take care of home don't I???

by Fakeainthere September 21, 2018

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Taking Care of Adam

To have sex

She said that she was going to go home but she was taking care of Adam with a dude she met at the bar

by Don Qwerty February 22, 2009

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

take care of business

A man’s way of saying to his girlfriend or someone else that he wants or is going to masturbate.

Hey babe, wanna help me take care of business tonight?

by mr. daddy smack August 10, 2019

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

take care of me

The best way to show support for your cast mates before a show. Used as a substitute for break a leg. Probably accompanied by tears, hugs, and many fond memories.

At the end of the directors pre-show speech, the cast hugged each other and said "take care of me" before performing.

by mtaylorr February 9, 2018

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

taking care of buisness

the process of smoking marijuana until one becomes stoned.

Me and billy just got off a long hard day at the office, so we began taking care of buisness and forgot all about the day.

by thaxtonian July 31, 2005

11πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Taking Care of Business

When a woman that wants to have crazy sex with you but she lives to far away. By taking care of business you travel to the woman's location and fuck the shit out of her.

George lived 2 hours away from Jill (a girl he met at college) and Jill really wants to have sex with George. George decides to take work off so he can go "taking care of business" and travel the 2 hours to fuck Jill.

by brendonb87 May 16, 2011

14πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž