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sloppy jetpack

When a person who is being the little spoon, gives you a reach around, because they are in the mood early in the morning. AKA= sloppy reach around

Kate gave him a sloppy jetpack because she didn't need to be at work for a hour!

by St. Bart's Single Ladies Youth November 18, 2015

Houston Jetpacked

You get an extreemly fat chick with giant saggy boobs, strap that ho up with a dildo, get in front of that beast, flop them saggy titties over your back and down your chest ( like jetpack handles) squeeze them bad boys and let her rip up your asshole...

Also reffered to as the Houston jetpacker

Dude I can't wait until I go to fat camp this summer, I'm gunne get Houston jetpacked so many times!!!

Dude That was the best Houston Jetpack ever!

Why are you limping so bad bro?"..."shit man I got houston jettpacked so hardcore last night"

by D-Hutch January 1, 2009

24πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Mexican Jetpack

A mexican "landscape technician" who wears one of those leaf blower backpacks.

Juan pawned his Mexican Jetpack to buy some jalopenos.

by jewtewned November 11, 2007

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Gentleman's Jetpack

An anal sex position involving two nude men wherein one man is giving another a low-riding piggyback ride.

Andrew is getting a "Gentleman's Jetpack" from Fletcher.

by DTM9 June 20, 2012

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Wetback Jetpack

(Slang) Leaf blower.

β€œJeff can I borrow your wetback jetpack? My lawn is a leaf holocaust.”

by imabirdlawyer October 31, 2023

mexican jetpack

5 pounds of beans + butt plug ( wait 2 days )

Eat mucho beans ram butt plug up ass.
Wait 2 days squat down light match pull plug WOW! mexican jetpack! a small hombre can go vertical for 14 feet.

by itichie_nocanpo July 3, 2006

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Jetpack Joyride

A game made by HalfBrick studios which is about Barry Steakfries barging in to steal the Machine Gun Jetpack. After that you must go on an endless run to get the highest score without dying.

β€œHey man i just had a great Jetpack Joyride run!”
β€œOooo nice with who?”
β€œWhat do you mean?”
β€œLike.. Jetpack Joyride.”
β€œDont you mean-β€œ

by I just want to make jokes November 28, 2022

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