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Daisy is the most sweetest dog you will ever meet. She enjoys everyone’s company and jumps on everyone she meets. She loves to go on walks but she’s a bit on the chunkier side but that just makes her even more adorable. Most people that meet Daisy think the nickname chicken nugget suits her perfectly. She can also be a bit mischievous at times but overall she’s an amazing lil thing and if you ever have the opportunity of meeting a Daisy, you will never forget her and love her forever.

omg, look at that lil thing she’s so adorable
yea, that’s because she’s a daisy

by mystrawberriesaresour November 24, 2018


The most amazing talented beautiful girl in the world she has amazing hair and always lookes out for her friends she is kind but feisty if necessary.

She is such a daisy

by Lucy N January 5, 2018


Daisy is a sweet girl who is always there for her friends no matter what. and she is sooo pretty and thin. she is at first very shy but once u get to know her she is a little crazy girl. she loves fashion. and when she likes a guy she only tells the ppl that she rlly trusts.she may seem like a good girl but she does have a dark side. also she is so frickin cute, adorable, nice, and loving. most guys like er so u better watch out. she is like a queen she gets what she wants but is not a bitch abt it. her eyes r so gorgeous they are so pretty and she will deny it if someone calls her cute. she is also does have a great personality and hangs out with people that are older than her but she does not care. she can be popular but she isn't although most people know her throughout school. overall she is like the best human being on this earth!!

lily omg is that Daisy??
Susie: yeah she doesn't have a boyfriend but ppl say that she can steal urs rlly fast.

by itsdaissssy January 4, 2018

29👍 3👎


a beautiful girl that you can trust with any secret and the person you can go to when you need someone to talk to about your problems

today i needed to talk to someone so i went to Daisy before anybody else

by mingui June 28, 2011

218👍 48👎


Daisy, a girl with an amazing personality, smile, laugh; everything about her is incredible. Her ability to always make you cry with joy, and the way she can always make you laugh. She is a fabulous singer and she is drop dead gorgeous.

An incredibly interesting, attractive and very very fit. She has the best body you could imagine, and her beauty wants to make you just scream.

She is always there for you when you’re down and seems like she has a super power to cheer you up, even during your darkest days.

Daisy, if you’re reading this, I want you to know how much I’m in love with you and that I can’t live without you in life. You’re the only one for me, and you’re my soul mate, as we’ve established with each other multiple times.

I love you with all my heart my goddess. From the person who loves you most in this world, Bowtie ❤️

I miss you so much, Daisy

by Bowtie Wazowski March 29, 2020

16👍 1👎


Daisy the most beautiful girl in school. Guys would die for her!She helps people a lot and she is always positive ...she is the nicest person you will ever meet...once you feel her lips you will melt!she is the most beautiful latín/American girl in the whole world❤️

Jack:oh her her name is daisy
Derick:she looks just like one she is so beautiful


by Alex/daisy/love October 7, 2018

15👍 1👎


A beautiful young girl who intimidate everyone with her over competitiveness. She's energetic and very fun to be around. At first she's shy but when you get to know her, she's nothing like you would think. Daisy may not be the most popular but people adore her. She can be very insecure (even though she has no reason to be) and will rely on people to help her gain confidence. She is a loyal and helpful friend. She will always be there for you to help you feel better and solve your problems. Daisy is very trustworthy if you have a strong relationship with her.Daisy is the name given to the most amazing girl to ever walk the earth. She is just perfect in every single way, she will deny that though, because she is super modest.

beautiful Daisy

by danushke21 August 7, 2019

17👍 1👎