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Me. I don't mind being called a Yank, since us Yankees winning the American Civil War and keeping the country together (no thanks to the British) is part of my family's heritage. Thanks for reminding me. I don't particularly mind being called fat and stupid either, because I'm not. So go right ahead. I get my news on the internet from various sources, making sure to check the left and the right, and I don't watch TV, so go ahead and call me ignorant or brainwashed or whatever. Oh, I'm racist redneck, too. So racist that my best friend is asian american and another of my close friends is from Singapore. I guess I am a bit of a redneck, though, I like to fix my own car when I can and generally be self-reliant.

I'm an American and I love my country. If you can accept that, I have nothing against you. If not, you can go fuck yourself, because in the end, it just doesn't matter if you hate America. Doesn't matter at all.

America hater: I hate America! You are all a bunch of nationalist bigots!

Me: *shakes head at the irony of it*

by SalientAlien July 3, 2005

189๐Ÿ‘ 158๐Ÿ‘Ž

A yank

a northerner

someone from New York

by johnny reb November 22, 2003

76๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


(verb) to leave abruptly; to leave a situation in a hurry

(noun) Coffee; cocaine; energy drink

Its been fun, but I think its time to make moves and yank.
He came by and dropped off the materials for tonight's project, and then just yanked.

(noun)Its Friday night, we should get some girls to cooperate, a case of beer and a sack of yank.

by roachgnarly November 23, 2013

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


to recieve a hand job

dude last night i totally got yanked in the corner by that hot blonde

by d vern August 12, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A British/Australian term for all Americans, regardless of position. We don't care if it's really a shortening of 'Yankee', or northern Americans. We just fucking use it this way.

"Damn, this giant Sony camcorder got eaten by a South African monkeyfish. Fucking Yanks"
Guy 2: "Fucking yanks."
TV: "Food poisoning spreads throughout a Martian colony. It's believed to be caused by China." Guy: "Fucking yanks."

by Googol May 27, 2005

120๐Ÿ‘ 113๐Ÿ‘Ž


an archiac and insulting word that people from other countries use to describe americans.

"hey, that makes u a yank."

"eat shit fuckhead."

by a February 13, 2004

182๐Ÿ‘ 180๐Ÿ‘Ž


Slang for Yankees, which refers to all the people of the United States, particularly those of the northern and New England states. This word is most often used by the Australian and British. Contrary to some uneducated beliefs, the diverse and multicultural people of the U.S. have greatly influenced the world in culture and lifestyle through their coveted media industry. Also notable is the country's position in fueling the global economy and the amount of aid, both financial and military, given around the world, which far exceeds any other country.

1. Aussie Guy 1: (While stopping at McDonalds after shopping at Target)Have you seen that Australian movie: The Castle?
Aussie Guy 2: We make movies? I thought the movie industry was the Yanks' job.

2. English Professor: Now now class, it is time to study the two world wars, and how those crazy Yanks bailed us out twice...

by Emma Kilyeu May 13, 2008

93๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž