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To fail is to be either:
Exceptionally bad at something, or to do/say something stupid to people,
Or for an item/thing to fail, it has to not be what it is, such as a funny comic not being funny, etc.

arpgme's comic FAILS
(Therefore meaning that it could be bad or poor at what it is intended to do)

You sir, FAIL.
(The person has just done/written something stupid or supposedly funny which achieves nothing it's supposed to.)

by Nothingconspicous... August 23, 2006

484๐Ÿ‘ 304๐Ÿ‘Ž


What unoriginal, unimaginative motherfuckers say to other people in an attempt to help them forget what a failure their life really is.

Person A: "What an epic fail"
Person B: "Hey, fuck you man!"

by Jumbrone October 19, 2009

94๐Ÿ‘ 54๐Ÿ‘Ž


What people tend to do when engaging in online chatrooms by not giving themselves the ability to hit the backspace button to correct epic typos.

Person 1: <# i luvv youu!!1
Person 2: hahaa you fail!

by N@y March 28, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

fail it

To not succeed in a venture or activity. Various permutations of the phrase can be turned into almost any part of speech.

<Cyb> my bin2hex function is failing it
<mewse> you fail it
<Linguica> failure of it indeed

by Linguica November 7, 2002

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


See: School

I have to go to school? Fuck you dude, that is a fail idea.

Public education is a failed system.

If my teacher fails me, I will gladly insert myself into her anus.

by LuigiXmission.420 October 28, 2010

43๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


the stupidest trend in existence, said by people who lack a better word, or just don't have the balls to say "you suck"

supposed to imply failure at whatever was just attempted

*kid trips over*
"fuck you. you're not funny"

by gigegigegige August 3, 2010

26๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. If you do not succeed at a goal that you were going for
2. If you get a low test score
3. If you are a faggy fuckfaced shithole eating anal grease sucking buttfucking shit raping douche-waffle-mc'cunt-nugget, then you can use this to describe your friends if they do something that they weren't even trying to succeed at
4. A person disses you and you are such a fuckhole that you can't think of a diss you may use "fail" here.

1. I failed at getting the job that I wanted.
2. I failed on the test today.
3. Kid accidentally trips
Faggy douchebag shitfucker: You Fail!
4. Kid calls you an inside-out asshole licker
Inside-out asshole licker: You Fail!

* Please if you really want to be a good friend tell your retarded shit-eating friends to stop saying fail, seriously nearly every one of my friends say this and I hate calling them shit fuckers, but I have to so someday they will get some sense and look back at their retardedness and say "Why did I use to say fail, God I was a regurgitating asshole"

by laurent415bay June 4, 2009

270๐Ÿ‘ 221๐Ÿ‘Ž