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Mr. Beast went too far

This is part 3 of 3. Scroll up for parts 1 and 2.

The Mr. Beast simply cocks the gun and fires 2 shells right into the kid's skull, therefore ending the kid's short and unhappy life. Later in the video, upon doing research on the kid's life, Mr. Beast finds that the child was the offspring of Donald Trump and Shrek having a threesome with Zelda, but still couldn't find a name to the poor victim. Thus ends the video, but before it totally ends, the screen goes black, pitch black, and you hear what sounds like a shotgun cocking, and then Chandler screaming, "OH, SHIT!" and the a gunshot. Then the video fully ends.

Oh... Oh no... He went too far!...
Oh no!... Mr. Beast went too far... Oh sh... Holy shiiiiiit.....

by Big asss ballsack May 9, 2023

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mr. Beast went too far

This is part 2:

They then tie the kid to about 500 helium balloons, which carry the poor innocent child extremely high up. Chandler then takes a Tommy gun and sprays in the general direction of the kid, who is still ascending. Eventually the kid comes crashing down, somehow untouched by the spray of bullets that popped the majority of his balloons. Upon landing, the kid shatters his tailbone and lower back, delivering the most excruciating pain. Then the kid, who's name is unspoken in this entire video, starts crying in an abnormally high-pitched voice. This makes Mr. Beast take out a different golf club, this one being a driver, and attempts to either behead the poor young soul or simply knock him unconscious, which is unclear. Either way, both are unsuccessful, and Mr. Beast ends up causing the kid, who can be no more than 14, even more pain. At this point, Mr. Beast gives up and pulls out a scoped shotgun, and starts singing a kid a death lullaby, to which the lyrics are terrible and disturbing. Turns out Mr. Beast's singing voice isn't all that bad, so it begins to sooth the kids pain. This is part 2 of 3. Scroll down for part 3, or scroll up for Part 1.

OH, GOD DAMN! That's a bit for for one video, don't you think?

Yeah, Mr. Beast went too far n this one....

by Big asss ballsack May 9, 2023

Mr. Beast went too far

In one scenario where Mr. Beast goes too far in one of his viral videos, he holds a gun to a kid's head and forces the kid to go down an escalator on a skate board, The kid inevitably ends up breaking his leg, and Mr. Beast tries to fix it, but nothing he does, including whacking him with a golf club multiple times, works. Eventually Mr. Beast gets Chris to help him chuck the kid back down the escalator, in hope that it will fix the kid's leg. The kid ends up breaking his other leg, and that makes the kid experience more pain. Mr. Beast, Chris, Nolan and Chandler are discussing ways to end the child's pain.

Mr. Beast went too far... Oh no.....
Oh well. I'm sure it's just editing, right? Right?

by Big asss ballsack May 9, 2023

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mr. Beast went too far

In one scenario where Mr. Beast goes too far in one of his viral videos, he holds a gun to a kid's head and forces the kid to go down an escalator on a skate board, The kid inevitably ends up breaking his leg, and Mr. Beast tries to fix it, but nothing he does, including whacking him with a golf club multiple times, works. Eventually Mr. Beast gets Chris to help him chuck the kid back down the escalator, in hope that it will fix the kid's leg. The kid ends up breaking his other leg, and that makes the kid experience more pain. Mr. Beast, Chris, Nolan and Chandler are discussing ways to end the child's pain. This is part 1. Scroll down for part 2.

Mr. Beast went too far... Oh no.....
Oh well. I'm sure it's just editing, right? Right?

by Big asss ballsack May 9, 2023

too far red car

A way to say 'too far' while adding that extra oomph that lets you know just how far it has gone

Fran: Oh my god, James cancelled on me at the last minute
Grace: Wooah man too far
Fran: He told me he had to go to a family thing but he actually went out with Chris instead!
Grace: Too far red car !!!

by Grace F February 25, 2011

2๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

Where does HUMANITY go too far?

Because it's isn't just the political left or right that goes too far

Iam "Hmm... Where does HUMANITY go too far?.... Conceptually... Oh! That's it! With the imposition of universalized ethical systems! That's it! Because the woke have this incoherent ethical system that is (in abstraction) everything they hate about their perceived enemies. But this comes in direct response and exists in direct opposition to the imposition of the religious ethical system. And it isn't necessarily the ethical system that is the problem, rather, the imposition from the various rat-kings. Why? Because to do so would constitute imitating the creature. You are not creature. Imitating the creature (with the exception of creation (and even that can go too far (as we can see in the Tower of Babel story))) = wrong. 100% of the time."

Hym "Eh, I would have said 'with their very filthy-monkey existence' but I suppose that makes sense" ๐Ÿคท

by Hym Iam July 29, 2022

Going too far to defend your fav pixel

Going too far to defend your fav pixel is a common illness most people suffer from.

What are some coping ways?
1. Remember they are NOT real people.
2. Take deep breaths.
3. Go outside to touch some grass

Hope this helps !

โ€œDamn I heard Suzy suffers from Going too far to defend your fav pixel illness.โ€ โ€” โ€œhope she gets better soon.โ€

by johncena June 9, 2021