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The act of smearing toothpaste onto one's nipples in order to produce a high.

We should totally go toothpasting this weekend!

by falconboom May 7, 2012

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Toothpasting or just pasting is the act of rubbing toothpaste on the nipples to get high. The chemical that causes the high is still unknown.

Harry spent most of today Toothpasting.

by Global43443 May 7, 2012

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Getting high by applying toothpaste to ones nipples. This is extremely unsafe and can result in inflammation of the nipple and even permanent dangerous blockage or mutilation. Extremely dangerous, do not attempt. Popularised by famous internet website "9gag."

"Yo Rae, Wanna go Toothpasting, I've got my webcam all ready to go."
"I dunno, isn't that stuff dangerous?"

by Gako May 7, 2012

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The squeezing dispersal of a solid out of a container through compaction.

The masseuse walking on my back caused some poop to toothpaste out of my butthole.

by 7st0ryMTN March 16, 2019

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The act of rubbing your nipples with toothpaste to get high.

Toothpasting is cheaper than smoking weed.

by Lord Lolland May 8, 2012

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A fat person who wears skinny jeans. So called due to the fact that one who does resembles toothpaste being squeezed out of a tube.

"Have you heard about Mikes new girlfriend? I think they met at some punk show."

"Yeah, I facebook stalked her and you could only see her eyes on her profile pic... She's probably a toothpaster."

by ptakattack August 27, 2011

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The act of rubbing toothpaste (mostly of the mint variety) on ones nipples to achieve an opium-like high.

Me - My Dad asked me where all of the toothpaste was this morning.
Friend- Dude he totally knows you have been toothpasting all day!

by weaselandahalf May 7, 2012

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