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Splitting a bill or vacation cost with a series of quid pro quoes. Not as accurate as splitting bills, but less stressful.

It was a pretty exepensive trip, but we were tribeing the whole way. ... I think I owe Sarah lunch still.

by Numbr44 July 20, 2018


(i.e. book worms, cock blockers, pot heads, douchebags, lemons, etc)

2." What's wrong?"
1."You called me yesterday when I was talking to some fine ass booty"
2."Oh shit, man. I'm sorry"
1."I really hate your tribe"
2."My tribe?"
1."Yeah, your tribe. You're part of the cock blockers, now"

by As Ver April 10, 2011

49πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


Generally speaking, any group of people with a common intentity, traits or interests. A person may feel at home in many tribes, and large/general tribes often contain sub-tribes who feel apart from each other.

*Political parties, sports teams, clubs, gangs, etc... are examples of tribes.

*Goths, Trekkies, Hackers, etc... are examples of global tribes.

*Gamers, wikipedians, christians, martial artists, etc... are examples of general tribes containing very different sub-tribes.

*Different levels of family are tribes, and nations as well.

by Dork Wonderer July 11, 2009

35πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

to tribe

Verb, meaning to attend a Tribe of Frog event, plaster oneself in UV paint and roll one's tits off on MDMA. Common activities involved in tribing include emotional conversations with, or declarations of love to, whoever happens to be sat next to one at the side of the dance tent/room in the club, getting one's stomp on to some banging psytrance beats, or for those on LSD, vague yet deeply philosophical conversations concerning life and the universe during which the supposed meaning of life may be figured out.

I'm going to tribe my face off this weekend.

by nrw November 16, 2011

8πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A teenage disco in Dublin. Full of girls with skirts shorter than Victoria Justice’s career. They advertise is well but when u go in it’s really boring.

Are you going to tribe this Friday

by Southdublinexplainer November 7, 2019

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A very easily pirated online game. Used to be very fun and cool around 1999 but ever since the lame sequel came out, Tribes is slowly dying off. Beware of the no-life nerds who play that game as if it was their life! AKA-Pros.

One friend bought Tribes. Now 20 people pirated it from him and play too!

by mikekk67 January 5, 2004

29πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


A Tribe is a particularly loud group of African-Americans that stand in a large group blocking pedestrian traffic. Tribes are most commonly found in the middle of hallways, in malls, and in the middle of crowded sidewalks. Spear, blowgun, and head-shrinking jokes usually ensue the sighting of a tribe.

shit man, that is the LOUDEST tribe i have ever heard. that tribe is huge too, its taking up the whole damn hall! how am I suppose to get to my math class!?

look at that tribe over there man, don't get to close, they'll throw spears at you and shrink your head!

by CRAZINS December 3, 2007

26πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž