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uck fay

it means fuck in pig latin.

uck fay ou yay itch bay.

which tanslates to:

fuck you bitch.

by christine FROM December 27, 2006

23👍 8👎

f ucked

(non-sexual usuage)1.an outcome unpleasant to the holder.
2. the instant one realizes a loss is inevitable. 3. a loss that is more than an ouch.

When the judge smiled at my soon-to-be-divorced wife I realized I was f ucked.

by singleAgain July 24, 2006

357👍 209👎

Uck boy

1 a guy who an’t about it

2 guy who’s wet (thick’s he’s cool but he’s just cringey)

3 gives blowjobs for money but he’s strate

4 thinks that’s he’s peng but is butters

5 acts like he pulls but the few girls he gets are boring fat and or ugly

1 Tom is such an uck boy

2 he suck dick for money what an uck boy

3 have you seen omar’s girl she looks like that green girl from shreck

by Yung drug lxrd the 3rd April 10, 2018

f uck

The only word in the english language that is referred to as the "F" word. Comes from the german word freichen (pronounced: Fry-kin) which means "To Strike". Urbanly has various Definitions: As a transitive verb, pain, pleasure, hate and love. Is also a Transitive verb, Intransitive verb, Ajective, Parts of an adverb, Adverb inhancing an ajective, Noun, Parts of words, almost every word in a sentence, Describes the words fraud, dismay, trouble, Difficulty, Inquiry, Dissatisfaction, Incompetence and dismissal.

Transitive verb: John f ucked Shirley. Intrasitive verb: Shirley f ucks. Adjectvie: John is doing all the f ucking work. Part of an adverb: Shirley talks to f ucking much. Adverb inhancing an ajective: Shirley is f ucking beautiful. A noun: I dont give a f uck. As part of a word: Abso-f ucking-lutely or in-f ucking-credible. As almost every word in a sentence: F uck the f ucking f uckers. Fraud: I got f ucked at the used car lot. Dismay: Aw, f uck it. Trouble: I guess I'm really f ucked now. Agression: Don't f uck with me, buddy. Difficulty: I don't understand this f ucking question. Inquiry: Who the f uck was that? Dissatisfaction: I don't like what the f uck is going on here. Incompetence: He's a f uck off. Dismissal: Why don't you go outside and play go f uck yourself.

by Hugh G. Rekshon November 18, 2007

150👍 107👎

Uck That Ish

Abbreviation of Fuck that Shit, but said when the situation does not permit you to say "Fuck that Shit".

Great uses include:
1. School,
2. Church,
3. With your Mother,
4. Around small children,
5. With Grandma,
6. When your toaster turns into an asshole and sets of your fire alarm. FUCK!
7. When that gay guy from work makes sexual innuendos in front of your boss!

Teacher: Hey children, take off your pants...again.
Student: Uck that Ish...
Mother: Sweetie, the report from the Doctor came in. It looks like your retarted and infected with Syphylis.
Troy: Uck that Ish!
Gay co-worker named Blaine: Hey big boy, could you uncap my pen? Its about to burst.
Harold: Uck that Ish...

by Myke Litori August 13, 2009

7👍 3👎

uck jeez

to be annoyed or disappointed

"i lost that 8th of skunk"
"uck jeez"

"i can't come out tonight"
"uck jeez"

by krok June 30, 2008

Uck Pussy

Noun; Pertains to a woman of under-whelming beauty. Usually reserved for the Woman that you've slept with that ranks last on a brag-ability scale.

I cannot believe you tagged Karen. She is flat-out Uck Pussy.

by Iggy Fenton September 1, 2007

5👍 5👎