Source Code

mentally unstable

Fucking crazy

I'm not crazy, I'm just metnally unstable......KILL! MURDER!

by MuzlFlash August 23, 2003

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unstable oreo

Ranboo otherwise known as unstable oreo, he has joinned the dream smp and has a husband (canonically) and a child named micheal and has a chicken to keep micheal company

The unstable oreo music (fallen down) has played. -cries-

by NOT A SIMP :) July 16, 2021

Unstable Unicorn

An unstable unicorn is a person who gets horny at random times, or just at all times.

A: "my girlfriend is literally always horny. Shes such an unstable unicorn."

B: "yea, I wouldnt date Ellie. Shes an unstable unicorn. I mean unless you are too...."

by BubblegumBats February 21, 2022

Unstable diffusion

Like stable diffusion, but for porn.

"Yo check this image made by unstable diffusion!" "Yo it's porn!"

by Atl4s November 29, 2022

barnes and unstable

The Place You Go To Publish A Story That You Made That You Made That Seems Unstably Crazed.

Mom: Oh God. What Did He Publish This Time...

by UnstableLudlow February 6, 2018

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Emotionally Unstable

a term a boyfriend uses when explaining to his girlfriend she can't be logical since she's PMSing

I know you're just saying this because you're emotionally unstable right now

by farquah May 4, 2011

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unstable molecules

The magic material Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four invented so that superheroes wouldn't shred / burn / rip up their clothing when they used their superpowers. Now used figuratively to mean some material that you just can't get rid of or rip up.

The shrink wrap on this CD must be made out of unstable molecules.

by Secret Agent Man September 17, 2003

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