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vicarious notion

A belief that is based on or justified by the doctrine of vicarious atonement.
The inevitable result of the clusterfuck effect.
see also;

"The doctrine of vicarious atonement is found in some form in most religions, and it is the body and soul of ours. The idea is not a Christian invention. It caused the Carthaginians to put to death their handsomest prisoners if a battle were won, the most promising children of their own nobility if it were lost. They were offerings to appease the gods."
"...when it comes to the punishment, the vicarious notion doesn't seem to work. There is the one point where you are welcome to your own, and no discount allowed to heavy takers. Hell is always at par and no bail permitted. Even ignorance of the requirements is no excuse. If you did not know any better, somebody else did, and you've got to pay for it."
(from Helen H. Gardner's Vicarious Atonement; Men, Women, and Gods, 18850.)

by analiasa January 14, 2009

vicarious stoner

A person who watches others get stoned and cant get stoned, either because he's on probation or because..he doesn't want to or whatever.
living vicariously through other stoners.

guy 1- yo man, whats up with greg?"

guy 2- he's sitting over there with us but he aint gettin high"

guy 3- hes on probo, yo, yunno, just one'a them vicarious stoners"

all- ohhhhhh, dig."

by cattyboombatty February 23, 2014

vicarious trauma

Trauma that is delivered vicariously by the media (TV, film, books, newspapers, the Net,etc) and leaves the world in a constant state of shock, which leads to a tendency towards illness and a lot of over-eating. As we do not experience events dirctly, it is devilishly hard to expunge the horror.

We've all experienced the vicarious trauma of the Tsunami, of war, of tragedies depicted vividly by reporters.

by damema August 17, 2006

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Vicarious Dream

A Shitty Youtuber Who cant handle a joke and will get u banned of anything if you even slightly disagree with him or his boyfriend Fiddy_Brah they both like to yoza up eachothers ainuk

I lost an argument to a 15 year old ima get him banned cause im Vicarious Dream and i love it up the ainuk

by No SImps Allowed January 24, 2022

Vicarious Spankings

A spanking administered by a step-parent during intercourse to his/her partner (his/her step-child's parent) in lieu of spanking the step-child for the step-child's misbehavior. Usually administered within twenty-four (24) hours of the step-child's misbehavior.

I cannot believe how disrespectful he has been today - his mother is in for some vicarious spankings this evening.

by James A. H. Murray June 30, 2022

vicarious butthurt

When somebody says/does something to you that you think is totally reasonable, but somebody you've never met sees it and gets offended for you.

I was teasing my girlfriend at the beach and she slapped me. We were just playing around (and I totally deserved it) but some men's rights weenie got vicarious butthurt and threatened to call the cops. So I slapped him and he cried.

by nobody@nowhere.com March 27, 2017

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Vicarious Beard Growth

Vicarious beard growth is the attempt of helping your own beard grow by staring at pictures of people with awesome beards. It should be noted that this is a myth. It does not work. This has been researched and proven by expert and awesome beard owner David Denison, who is well credited and a pioneer in his field, despite being a Michigander.

Example 1:
Guy 1: Your beard's looking a little patchy, man.
Guy 2: I know! I've been trying to fill it out, but the vicarious beard growth just doesn't seem to be working!

Example 2:
Guy 1: Man, I've been trying for a month, but my beard still won't grow!
Guy 2: Have you tried vicarious beard growth?
Guy 1: What?
Guy 2: You know, putting up pictures of awesome beards to inspire your own.
Guy 1: *pauses* Are you high?

by Rodman Edward Serling August 14, 2011

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