Source Code

That's what she said

One of the best jokes on earth.

"Johnny, let me hold your wood for a second."
"That's what she said!"

"You drilled this in pretty deep, Johnny."
"That's what she said! Hahaha!"

"Stop!! Seriously. How old are you?"
"That's what she said."

by Iaretehpwnz1997 June 19, 2009

101๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

That's what she said

A popular sexual innuendo used to make others--and ultimately, yourself--laugh.

In other words, you use it when the person says something that a girl might say during sexual intercourse.

Colton: You get the top; I will be the bottom.
Jake: That's what she said

Jake: Oh shit! It's stuck in there!
Colton: That's what she said.

Football Coach: That's right boys; nice and steady- not too fast, not too slow; just at the right speed.

Jake & Colton: That's what she said.

by TheWiseKid February 10, 2009

558๐Ÿ‘ 305๐Ÿ‘Ž

that's what she said

used to turn a comment into a sexual innuendo

(in a precalc classroom)

teacher: ok guys, i know that these problems are hard, and they're long and a pain in the butt, but you still have to do them

Student: that's what she said

by Mumbs November 25, 2008

69๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

that's what she said

1. Used to add sexual innuendo to a conversation.
2. When a male wants to share with his friends that he was with a girl (whether her was or not), he will respond to a phrase that sets up "that's what she said..." as funny or sexual.
3. To imply that what is being talked about was actually a sexual statement and that a girl agreed to said statement in the recent past.
4. Something people say after a phrase is said by someone else to add emphasis.
5. A phrase said by one male to another after a story about her was told to imply that he was with the first male's girl after him.

guy 1: wow, that's a really big spear!
guy 2: that's what she said!

guy 1: man, my girl was hot last night!
guy 2: that's what she said!

by mandamondo May 9, 2005

3625๐Ÿ‘ 2230๐Ÿ‘Ž

that's what she said!

A term with no real meaning, just used to annoy that of your friends/enemies. Usually turns a non-sex realted topic into one of that kind.

Asshat#1: "What's the deal with your cell phone?"

Asshat#2: "Yeah, it's really small."

Asshat#3: "That's what she said!"

Asshat#1: "Zing!"

by stendaar February 26, 2004

217๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž

That's what she said

A comment that turns a non sexual comment into a sexual phrase.

*In context with homework*
"Tomorro i'll make it hard!" -Teacher
"No sir, don't make it hard!" -Class
"No I will, hard is good!" -Teacher
"No sir, not hard! Big is good!" -Class

"That's what she said!"-Cool guy at the back

-"I don't want to get my juices all over your bench."
-"That's what she said!"

-"Lets see if we can get it to squirt into an arch into your mouth!"
-"That's what she said!!"

-"Im pregnant..."
-"That's what she said... Oh... Crap..."

More at http://www.thatswhatshesaid.co.nz/

by DJ Scuffy March 2, 2009

128๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž

That's what she said

That's what she said is used when someone says something dirty without intending it to sound like that. You have to have a dirty mind to get them.

Kate: Ah, I'm all wet now and it's all your fault!!!
Hayley: Ew! That's what she said!
Kate: Gross! I meant your hose soaked me!
Hayley: That's what she said again! Haha, you're making things worse for yourself now!

Kate: FML.


by IdSayYoudLoveToTapThisHoneyyyy February 25, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž