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White Collar Wanker

An absolute specimen who lives and breathes regurgitating corporate jargon and spamming people with ‘inspirational’ LinkedIn posts.

The average white collar wanker works in recruitment or insurance. He sports a shirt two sizes too small to show off his ‘gains’, drives a shitty BMW and if he has a degree it’s a 2:2 in business from De Montfort University. He thinks going to the gym, calling people ‘mate’ and snorting coke on the reg are a substitute for a personality.

Thinks wearing a suit and being condescending while saying nothing can make up for his l incompetence.

I went for an interview the other week and honestly the guy interviewing me was such a white collar wanker.

by Blue_Shoes March 18, 2021

White-Collar Welfare

A program under which employees within a publicly traded company are hired for their job for no other reason than they are related to a high paid and/or high ranking employee. This person is characteristically under qualified, over paid, and lacking in contribution.

1.) The General Managers daughter just got hired as a new assistant that makes six people in the office on white-collar welfare.

2.) Can you believe that it's her first year here and she took 4 weeks of paid vacation? You only get those types of perks when your on white-collar welfare.

by CorpWorkerBee February 3, 2011

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white-collar boxing

no head shots, 3 rounds no breaks.
same as a 'straightener' boxing match, played among workers in ships or factories.

Fight Club is lame-o, all they tried to do in that fuckin' flock "flop flick" was to look a bit like white-collar boxers ..and it sucked big great friggin' time! Try again, Pitt..u wussie!

by hytham_hammer July 4, 2005

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white collar anarchist

Someone who secretly reads radical/liberal books, rails against "the system", advocates a punk ethic, but in everyday life is very mainstream and would never actually rock the boat.

"Bob is such a white collar anarchist. He owns every Jello Biafra spoken word album and reads the Huffington Post, but voted for Romney."

by Radiogeek88 March 11, 2010

2👍 6👎

white collar worker

A Lesser Spotted Mongolian Gravel Maggot.

Kid ask's teacher : what happened to hitler when he died
teacher: he became a white collar worker.

by Sp0ck October 12, 2006

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A new genre of street literature that focuses on fraud in urban and mainstream america introduced by DARREN KEYS the KING OF FRAUD LIT. A favorite of Jay-Z and Beyonce

Author Darren Keys explodes onto the lit circuit introducing a new genre WHITE COLLAR STREET LIT with his new seven-part series FRAUD CHRONICLES Part 1: WHITE POWDER TO WHITE COLLAR

by Fraud Critic December 14, 2012

10👍 2👎

White Collar Survival Kit

Wallet, keys, mobile phone.

I had to rush it this morning, so I forgot my White Collar Survival Kit!

by Rigoulot April 23, 2011

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