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To throw huge wild punches on some prick.

- Yo, if that nob doesn't stop giving me dirties I'm gonna go over throwing a few windmills

by yepsen tsoane March 31, 2006

37πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


While in 5th on the list - the term originates from the early 90's and should be number 1. It has nothing to do with penises or arms.

Windmilling defined: with regards to thrash metal and extreme music. This definition predates the others- listed here.

Windmilling is the act of a long haired metalhead whipping his/her head around in a 360 degree motion, the hair flies up in the air and around- in the shape of a windmill blade.

Did you see that chick singer windmilling in the that new metal video the other day? She windmills just as good if not better than some guys can, and looks hot as hell- doing it!

by blackhawksfan54 February 9, 2010

136πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž


The act of spinning one's penis around in the fashion of a windmill, usually with the intent of hitting someone in the face. Sometimes done while urinating.

Mr. Bean was windmilling the school children.

by Haddock December 17, 2004

305πŸ‘ 167πŸ‘Ž


Spinning your arms to hit someone with intent to injure.

I like windmilling Mags because they stink.

by @@@ September 29, 2007

115πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


clutching ones flacid penis at the base, and waving it in a similar motion to that of a windmill

howard was windmilling bolder at the pub after 8 pints of vodka snakebite, and 8 apple sourz.

by howie December 1, 2003

79πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž


where you grab the bottom of your cock and start spinning it in the motion of a windmill

I Stood at my bedroom window busting out windmils to all the old people walking past ;)

by J.holmes February 5, 2009

The windmill

when someone doesn’t know how to fight. and they start to swing their arms in a windmill motion

___ and ___ are getting into a fight and ___ starts doing the windmill

by lolugae000000 May 25, 2021