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Wut - A slang for the word "What" commonly referred as "Wat"

Person 1: And then I saw it come down and take my sandwich!

Person 2: Wait... WUT?!

by DinoMangleDictionary April 4, 2017


1.a word used when sum1 is stupid
2.a really good cumbak when u dont know any cumbaks

1.Jim:2+2=4 Sally:wut?
2Jim:ur a flamer Sally:wut? Jim:i sed u wer a flamer! Sally:wut?

by Jack K. July 14, 2003

18๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

wut wut in the butt

A relatively stupid term meaning anal sex

Guy 1: Last night Kelly and I did the wut wut in the butt!

Guy2: You mean you had anal sex?

Guy1: Yah.

Guy2: Then why didn't you just say that?!

Guy1: I don't know...

by wutwutman January 31, 2009

36๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


A wanna-be Slut. One of those people...you know the ones. THAT GIRL who thinks she's hot stuff. She wheres trampy outfits, talks real slow, globs on the red lipstick, and sometimes even starts rumors about herself. Really, she just wants attention. Saying she's a slut isn't trash talk, in her mind, but exactly what she wants you to think.

Gossiper 1: Ugh. That girl is such a slut!

Gossiper 2: Her? NAH, she wishes. She's just a wut.

by CaseAndPoint274 April 13, 2011

16๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž

or wut bruh?

saddened/disgraceful expression for "or what?", usually written by a disheartened sadist with no friends.

idontknow : Is it because i wouldnt have any friends or wut bruh?
pasi : yes it's exactly that.

by fivejix March 4, 2021


Similar to lol wtf. When someone says something random or stupid and funny, and you don't understand what they just said, just reply with the pear picture. LOL WUT is written on this because it's a funny picture and it suits the face

Bill: What would you say if i said i can do a massive god jesus boy hadouken?

Ben: lol wut

by LOL WUT Pear February 2, 2007

961๐Ÿ‘ 236๐Ÿ‘Ž

wut up

Another way of saying "whats up".
Ebonics for what's up.

Wut up Yo!

by E520 October 23, 2003

81๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž