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yeh nah

It's an Australian thing.

"Yeh nah, i reckon we should do this instead."

by Mr tt May 21, 2008

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loh yeh moh yeh

Loh yeh moh yeh, a phrase invented by Jianhao Tan in the start of his Youtube career.

1. Jianhao, not knowing how to solve the question, simply saw Loh Yeh Moh Yeh in his head and told his student that.

-25 Singaporean Teachers

2. "Loh yeh Moh Yeh!" Jianhao said into the phone of the hotel.

-Things your are not allowed to do in SG but in foreign countries

by Word? Word? WORD! July 28, 2022

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Yeh Mam

The phrase is typically used by the Chavin a convosation between themself and another Chav. It is insulting the other persons mum.

Chav One: Did you do anything last night?

Chav Two: Yeah, Yeh Mam!

by BFMV-Lover July 26, 2009

kevin yeh

Kevin Yeh is not trustable. He is nosy and a creep.

Cheese doodles: Kevin Yeh is a creep and he is the definition of a creep

by BingChiling February 2, 2022

yeh bro

so you know hows it going

wa pukes

by pukes October 6, 2003

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Yeh Boi

Used by idiots when they succed.

Teacher: You barely passed, D-.
Idiot: YEH BOI!

by cCheeseCake September 16, 2016

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hel yeh

The act of vomiting and shitting at the same time.

"I hel yeh'd all over your bathroom last night. Sorry breh. Shouldn't have had all that chili after all that beer."

by Randalf November 28, 2009

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