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Something people from Stavanger, Norway say as a way of saying yes or confirming something. Some people also say it after someone says something funny or positive. When you say Yh you dont pronounce it at as «yeah» but as «iiiiiih» for english people.

Person 1: Hey man are we still going to beverly tonight?
Person 2: yh I’ll pick you up at 7
Person 1: yhhhhhh

by OnajZgodni April 21, 2020


Short for the term "yeah", which is a common informal way of saying "yes". Also used a lot in texting.

MC - Minecraft

"Just heading out to the shop, do you want anything?" Ashley asked her roommate, Jan.
"Nah, I'm good thanks" he answered, playing a game called Bubble Shooter on his phone. Ashley headed out the door, towards the local corner shop just down the road.
Jan's phone pinged, with a message from his mate Alan. "Yo, you up for some MC?" He taps the notification, and pauses before writing a quick response. "Yh, hopping on now" Jan chooses to write, then calls Alan and loads up MC.

by short_story_examples June 1, 2023