Source Code

you fucking spoon

An insult

Bob: why didn't you call me last night?
Kim: Because I'm not intrested!

Bob: What?
Kim: take a hint you fucking spoon

by whats it to you??????? May 9, 2017

Are You Fucking High?

When someone says something so outrageous, all you can sputter is the statement 'Are you fucking high?!'

Guy 1: 'I know a lot of people hate pop singers, but I think they're actually original, creative, individual, and in fact, I'd like to take a moment to commend all of them on their contributions to society as well as the world. Without them we would not be as cultured as we are now. I really appreciate them and hope to one day have a love-child with a pop singer.'

Guy 2: 'Are you fucking high?!?'

by Flame Warmonger November 12, 2013

27๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

you fucking doughnut

One of the best insults coming out of Gordon Ramsayโ€™s mouth, one of the most destructive ways to end peopleโ€™s lives and careers as they would end up having a heart attack or like a brain damage.

Patrick: hey fam, did you bring the assignmentโ€™s copies?
George: oh for fucks sake, I forgot it mate
Patrick: you fUcking dOughnUt, absolutely useless you are

by MsKeisha January 18, 2021

could you fucking not

What you say when you strongly disagree with something that was said/done/is happening. Can be applied to persons, actions, pretty much anything that you want to emphasize against.

1." Hey Im gay, fuck me in ass please!" - Peter
"Could you fucking not, were in public, dumbass" -Me
2. *Eating some lit french fries*
*Peter comes and starts munching from your fries stash*
"Hey Peter, could you fucking not?" -Me
3. *Waking up at weekend to notice that its raining like motherfucker outside*

"Goddamn, could you fucking not" - Me

by Realest motherfucker April 1, 2016

16๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

You Fucking Bitch

Why you fucking bitch is a common word used when someone is asulting you with words.


by AngelXX M December 6, 2020

51๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

Off You Fuck

A rather sarcastic, yet classier way of telling someone to fuck off.

Fat Woman - "Your jokes about fat people really offend me. How do you think I feel?"

You - "Squidgy... off you fuck."

by 100ANDFIFTY January 30, 2011

63๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

Are you fucking me?

1) Slang term for 'Are you kidding me?'

Often used to invoke shock into an unwitting victim's heart.

2) Can be used to determine any potential sexual relations with the other person in the conversation.

1) Girl 1 - "Oh my god, he was soooo ugly!"
Girl 2 - "Are you fucking me?! He looked like George Clooney and Brad Pitt's love child!"
Girl 1 - "Am I what? Uhh.. Huh?"

2) Boy - "Clueless was shit, man. I don't know why you girls like it so much."
Girl - "Are you fucking me?!"
Boy - "I wish!"

by Kateebby August 15, 2008

63๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž