Source Code

you woulda thought tho

A more exciting way to say "No" or "fuck nah" as emulated by folks from The Streets

Mandy: Cindy dearest, may I please cop one of those loosies?

by NatPolan December 24, 2015

I sold you an ounce of skunk, and you thought it was a four and a half.

Insult. Often described as the worst insult around, if someone uses it the reciever has been known to pass out with lyrical shock.
First heard used by the MC: Devilman against Skepta in lord of the mic 2.

person 1: your rhymes are swag. KMT
Person 2: o yeah?, well I sold you an ounce of skunk, and you thought it was a four and a half.

Person one passes out.

by MichaelKalugin9 April 1, 2010

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I thought you quit

A phrase that is spammed to annoy people and devalue their statements, much like "cool story bro", except less overused. It makes fun of everyone who takes the internet seriously, especially the people who quit games in a fit of frustration.

It originated from AbideStory when a GM named Selecao would repeat the phrase constantly to anyone who attempted to talk to him. This resulted in many people rage quitting. They eventually came back, of course, which made it even more funny when he said "I thought you quit".

Person 1: Stop being such a jerk
Person 2: I thought you quit
Person 1: I did... but then I realized I couldn't
Person 2: But I thought you quit
Person 1: I thought YOU quit

by Suedohnym December 26, 2011

730๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

I thought you knew

When someone does something sneaky or stupid, then when they are caught say "I thought you knew." aka "I didn't think you needed to know"

Your girlfriend cheats on you with some guy, then weeks later says "I thought you knew"

by Hives! December 9, 2004

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I thought you knew

heard in pockets of the southern US: an affirmation; agreement; inferrance of common knowledge... usually accompanied with a hair toss, whether or not there is hair to actually toss... expletives can be added to show emphasis or anger

"Everyone here wants to do you, Angie"
"I thought you knew, honey!"

"Donita knows not to mess wit yo man since you pulled her wig off and smacked her with yo heel!!"
"Thought you muthafuckin-GOTdamn knew!"

by cactus614 April 15, 2005

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i thought you knew

when someone who is usually a smart ass asks you a question you reply by saying "i thought you knew"

tere: where is the meeting at?
greg: i thought you knew!!

by balabalabalabal July 25, 2005

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Thought You Had a Friend

A way of fooling or tricking someone that you cool with them, as you would reach out and act like you giving them a high five or genuine handshake but pull back and laughing at their expense.

First Guy: "yeah man, we cool. Give me some dab."
Second guy reaches out to dab his fist.
First Guy: (pulling his hand back) "Thought you had a friend." (Turns to laugh at his expense)

by bbrooka March 29, 2018

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