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A bald guy that literally loves nothing more than getting sprayed with baby batter by at least 4 men at any given time.

Did you see that dude in the gay porn? "Yeah...What a Ronnie!"

by Betty Humter March 20, 2023


Ronnie is a black man. He is charming and talented. He has a sweet and sensitive side that he thinks people can't see. But it shines out of him. Through his dazzling smile and his captivating eyes. Ronnie makes the best of friends with everyone he encounters. He is always quick to give a hug and some great advice that anyone can follow. Ronnie is extremely smart. He can overthink sometimes, and it may make him frustrated. But at the end of the day, he always seems to find his way out of it. With an optimistic outlook on life, Ronnie takes the world by storm. He is destined for greatness in everything he does. Anyone would be lucky to have a Ronnie in their life. Even if Ronnie is a nickname name- which is weird. You'd think it stand for "Ronald".

"Oh yeah bro, that dude is definitely a Ronnie. Just look at those waves!"

"Ronnie makes my heart swoon. He's just so sweet."

"I don't deserve a Ronnie"

by linsey ali March 18, 2023

ronnie wells

The person who is just straight up gay.

Woah! He looks like a ronnie wells!

by The anonymous 56 November 15, 2019


When you cant complete an activity with your friends so you stab them in the back by completing it with someone else.

This guy Ronsengan is always Ronnying. His asshole is so stretched from ronnying and being carried by other people.

by arashdecision October 15, 2021

Ronnie Matthews

The coolest person you can meet. Girls will love him he is also very athletic but his most favorite sport is Basketball. His skin tone is medium brown . His hair is black he's left handed.

I think i'd want a Ronnie Matthews

by Left handed Stephen Curry October 5, 2018

Ronnie Mcdonnies

Another word for McDonald’s, home of the Newly released Double Ronnie. A signature burger feasted upon by many at 3am during these Lonely lockdown months

“I could really go for a Ronnie Mcdonnies right now” “I’m gonna go get a Double Ronnie from Ronnie Mcdonnies” “I’m starving, oh shit! Is that a Ronnie Mcdonnies!”

by PFresh November 26, 2020

A Ronny

A small rotund shape with slight female features. Morbidly obese emitting a sharp foul odor. Is known to start sweating profusely without any reason. Is also a cunt.

Look at Ronny eating it's second plate of spaghetti.

Sure Ronny you'll go to the gym next time.

I'd like to fuck a Ronny, said no one ever.

Stop eating all the snacks Ronny.

Bye bye Ronny....

by Martin Van Dromme November 14, 2019