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To fart in a elevator before a person gets on and to get off before the doors close. Leaving that person to a smelly delicious elevator.

I couldn't help myself and had to fart but it was in a elevator. As I was getting off, a beautiful lady walked right on the same elevator. As I turned around and saw the doors closing she just got elevatored.

by Tacklemebaby January 24, 2015

Elevated underground railroad

The part of the subway that runs above ground.

The black people were in plain sight of the racists while on the elevated underground railroad portion of the underground railroad.

by Solid Mantis November 26, 2020

Elevator Tease

When at a business where there's a freight elevator, and the main floor rings the bell signalling that it is getting sent up... but never comes up.

*Bell ringing*
Person 1: Oh yay! they are sending up the elevator!
*3 minutes later*
Person 2: uhh, I don't think they are.

by Friggin' Biggs November 21, 2010