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Zip, zilch, nada, nothin, Nathan…

I bet $50 on red. But when it hit black, I ended up with Nathaniel.

by Jimothy G June 23, 2022


big headed, silly little boy

girl 1:that guy is such an arrogant prick!
girl 2 : he must be a nathaniel.

by kels777 November 23, 2021


A perverted psychopath who likes to talk about movies, and has wet dreams of his crush Anna Namiotka and Zereski, even though the closest thing to a girlfriend he'll get is his anime bodypillow.

James stop watching porn! You don't want to end up like a Nathaniel.

by Givemerobox123 November 6, 2021


Very short about 4”2 and will give you gushers on your period. Other than that nobody likes him, Just kidding he’s funny.

Nathaniel is 4”2 gives gushers and is funny.

by Lbr5674 April 2, 2022



🍞🍞 Nathaniel 🍞🍞🍞🍞 🍞🍞🍞!

🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞 - 🍞🍞🍞, 🍞na🍞🍞🍞? 🍞🍞🍞. Nathaniel🍞🍞🍞🍞.

by Nat42069 November 21, 2021


a pedo who casually has crushes on small children

Guy: β€œHey isn’t Nathaniel on the football team?”

Girl: β€œI heard he’s dating a seventh grader”

Dude: β€œIsn’t he a sophomore?”

by ReebokWearingPickMe February 12, 2023


Very nice guy, a player slept with 14 milfs. Has lots of sad shit in his life though. Has 14 kids. Misses hi pet raccoon (patty) .

I miss patty :(

by Milfhunter445 June 5, 2021