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what in the package?

The ultimate expression of a boy who goes to Condado a lot and makes it his whole personality. Can also be expressed as player or as they say in Spanish "un buscapauta". You can use this term on the daily when referring to an extremely cringey, cocky bitch.

Monica: Have you seen Chad he's giving off what in the package? vibes.
Chad: Hey! I heard you! I am not .

by okayboiiii September 27, 2021

weasel package

1: A guy who gets around but in a sneaky way, so that not many people know about it..

2: someone had baggage but they you don't find out until later in the relationship or friend ship...

1: You have to watch him, he is a weasel package, he will leave you in tears...

2. I can't tell anyone about that person, that's my weasel package..
2. Q: Why did you stay with that girl after you found out all of those things?

A: She tricked me, it was a weasel package..

Syn. Snake, weasel, sneaky, trifling, sneaky penis, weasel D**k

by Big Bee Baby June 19, 2018


When a girl wears pants that are too loose in the hip region giving the impression that she has male anatomy. (Must be said with a french or british accent.)

Bob: Look at that girl she looks like she has a penis.

Gina: Oh man, that is an intense faux-package!

by the blonde bombers January 19, 2009

Beef Package

A phased describing not only a long but also girthy penis. To be considered a Beef package one’s penis must be at least 7 inches and 1.5 inches of girth

Micheal”did you see Daniel the other day? He’s packing
Fred”Yeah he’s got a beef package!”

by WABIT12321 October 20, 2021

Grip Package

Clothing that is outdated, not fashionable, worn, not in, or not fitting properly.

Hey yo manny just look at this guys grip package! Yeah that shit is wack bro!

by Jae-Dub September 27, 2020


The ability for a software to be or not to be packaged.

We decided to go with this vendor because of their product's packagibility rating.

by mr_ August 23, 2011