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Full Chimney Sweep

Where someone aggressively or roughly puts something in and out of a butthole, with the likelihood of things coming out or being pushed down into said butthole, because of said aggressiveness/roughness.

"I asked you to gently put a finger in my bum, not pull everything out with a Full Chimney Sweep!"

by Trapmcfiggins February 4, 2020

Cindarella Sweeps

when a guitarist in a song does so many sweeps in a song or segment and in different variations.

dude that song was sick.
yeah the guitarist was like cinderella he was sweeping so much
his fret board is going to be spotless!

those were some technically sick Cindarella Sweeps

by SkotiiEphynMayne January 22, 2012

Eagle Sweep

An action that usually hurts the other party/ies in the process, as this is the term used for when you or a friend of yours manages to get the girl two or more people(may include you, a friend, or anyone) like. Purposely or not

Justin:Hey! You just eagle sweeped her from me!
Ethan:I didn’t know you liked her

by Eagleee🦅 November 28, 2019

Fed Sweep

The act of looking for cops in the parking lot/in the premises of a building you are about to rob.

Dre: Y'all ready to hit this lick?
Zay: Nah lets run a fed sweep real quick before we hit it.

by zaayomme April 30, 2022

backhand sweep

Backhand sweep is when a person, sweeps the back of his or her hand on a persons tit, ass or penis.

You and friend are at a concert and he/she says to you "let's go backhand sweep those girls by the bar".

by spinetap April 26, 2014

Hand sweep

To get or receive a hand job.

I gave him a hand sweep while he was driving. He liked it so much that he, in return, gave me a hand sweep!

by Himjobs December 30, 2011

Nagasaki Sweep

A move where you sweep someone onto their back and drop your balls in their mouth harder than the bomb dropped on Nagasaki.

"Yeah the gang fight was going well until someone went all Nagasaki Sweep on a dude."

by harness the power of the nut September 17, 2018