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toads eat choads

A phrase used to call a person or group a cocksucker. Preceded by calling the person or group in question a toad.

Crystal: Wow, look at that sweater Sapphire's wearing!

Periwinkle: Yeah, it looks so trashy!

(Crystal and Periwinkle laugh)

Sapphire: Hey, people like you are toads. And toads eat choads!

by Blues and Dumbness September 13, 2019


eating anywhere

the eat-panda drop habit of student

by 0244201915 November 5, 2020

anti-eat ass

Derived from spray used on pets to fight mange. Turned into insult for individuals with ugly topical skin problems. Describes what someone should do to cover up their nasty asses.

Jason saw his ex-girlfriend walk into the bar, and his buddy Brent said that that ugly bitch needed to be sprayed with some anti-eat ass!

by punkdaddyo December 11, 2005

national eat like a camel day

January 19 A day where you chew loudly and open-mouthed. Like a camel

“Can you chew with your mouth closed?”
Nah bro it’s National eat like a camel day

by Gamerboy012 January 19, 2023

Eat my shorts

A sexual thing if you a girl wants the D right now they may say “oh my god eat my shorts

Person 1-“wanna fuck
Person2-“I don’t know
Person 1-“eat my shorts

by Kagsldvkabdjd December 17, 2017