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Fire Starter

When ever you use someone's ass to start a fire

That bitch Sandra is a perfect fire starter

by sockfucker January 19, 2020

Fire Starters

Noun. adj, 1. The thought that when a womans breasts are so big that when rapidly rubbed together and with the help of spontaneous combustion they could ignite into flames.

Small titties could not be fire starters because they couldn't possible produce enough heat from the friction to ignite by themselves.

"Wouldja look at them fire starters on that bitch! I could sop them up with some 'biscuts n gravy'."

by mojo8772 March 7, 2009

soft fired

When your still employed with a company, but instead of firing you they never schedule you no matter how much you beg/bother them about getting any hours and that you want to work whenever they could use you.

My employer is too big of a vagina to straight up fire me, so they soft fired me instead.

by Little Johnny July 17, 2023

Chill by the fire

Binge watching TV shows on an Amazon Fire Stick.

Jason and I didn't go out. Instead we decided to chill by the fire with some Alpha House.

by A. Post December 7, 2015

Alice Springs fire fighter

When you and a mate -preferably another bloke, cos you ain’t a bloke til ya had a bloke - get nude, boof a pint of Guinness each, do star jumps to shake it up in ya guts, then lie down, arseholes facing each other then unleash imagining your mate is on fire and the only thing that can put them out is squirting your sodden bubbly arse juice all over them so hard it extinguishes the flames.

It’s ok to drink once evacuated from your mates bowel.

Bloke 1: Hey Joe, you wanna do a couple of Alice Springs Fire Fighters tonight?

Bloke 2: Yea Tony, let’s get messy. I’m a thirsty boi

by Not a bloke til ya had a bloke July 3, 2024

Alice Springs Fire Fighter

You and a mate, preferably another bloke “cos you ain’t a bloke till ya had a bloke ;)” boof a pint of Guinness, hold it in and do a few star jumps to shake it up. Then lie down on your back, arseholes facing each other and unleash as if your friend is on fire and the only thing that will put them out is your sodden bubbly bum juice. Squirt true and hard champion. Godspeed

Bloke 1: Hey Joe, you wanna do an Alice Springs Fire Fighter?

Bloke 2: Fuckn oath Tony!

by Not a bloke til ya had a bloke July 3, 2024