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*aggressive bunny ears*

The action or gesture of a person using bunny ears in an aggressive manor to imply that they disagree.

OJ Simpson *aggressive bunny ears* 'didn't' kill his wife...

by Sarcastic&Fantastic101 October 31, 2017

Aggressive licking

Very fast but sensual licks to ones neck, face, or any other part of the body form ones own lover.

He's licking me so aggressively!!
That's some aggressive licking!!

by Lickergud April 7, 2017

aggressively queening

Betty Yu of KPIX was recently the target of Steven Crowder's racist remarks about possessing an "Aggressively Asian face" in an attempt to say that Asian American journalists as inauthentic, dismissing their incredible accomplishments over many decades of reporting.

The term "Aggressively Queening" is us flipping the script to bring up the amazing and wonderful women leaders in our lives.

Tim: Have you seen Betty recently?

Sarah: omg yes, those halloween photos!
Tim: i know, she's aggressively queening!
Sarah: Yasqueen!

by kalieaire October 31, 2021

Aggressive delight

A very intense moment of shitting when you have the biggest dump so you have to strip naked in order to focus and put your whole energy into releasing it.

Man, I am so gassed out, I just finished taking an aggressive delight.

by AizawaRei July 6, 2021

aggressive form of stupid

a form of stupid that comes on so suddenly there is a very small chance of becoming un-stupid

Bill: My X wife has an aggressive form of stupid...
Fred: Bummer Bill.

by ksmoothone December 30, 2016