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Baylis Court School

The worst fucking school ever. Do not send ur children here, unless you want Miss Maccines to chase them down the halls

Baylis Court School have rats
Baylis Court is a prison

by ihatesomeofumfs February 1, 2023

smut court

when everyone comes together to decide and punish the baddest girl or guy in the group for a sexual act they deny, that can be proven true or false

pod get to smut court for the crimes you have committed with chris and denying snow blowing with him

by andlausuzdixmike August 13, 2008

Stepped into court

The process of being judged and put back into order

Broski nextdoor gramzi's home, stepped into court when his father caught him takin' percocets

by _broski_101 June 14, 2023