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Aidil Danish

Aidil Danish is name of one of king in golden age of Malay Kingdom.He is said to be handsome that the neighboring kingdom's princess fall in love with him.He is the only king in Malay kingdom that never lose a war in his time of reign.Due to this achievement,he is numerously considered as the greatest king throughout the Malay Kingdom.

Dude 1: Did you know about Aidil Danish?
Dude 2: Isn't that the guy that get laid with all the princesses.
Dude 1:He is such a chad

by ThisIsTrueFromMyExperience September 25, 2021

danish book

When you have a turd hanging halfway outside your anus, and you slap your ass cheeks together. It creates a distinct splatter effect, similar to closing a book really fast. Usually used by the Danish.

AlberteWise: Hey Tyrone, I gave your bitch a warm Danish Book the other night, she stanky asf

Tyrone: You cool ass cracker

by KevinSpicey October 31, 2017

danish summer

The most horrible type of weather changes with Storms ånd Rain and maybe snow at times and egen The Sun Coles out and it is Nice in The matter of minuts it is dækning again

Oh what a Danish summer it is

by Datasstim August 4, 2017