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kelsey, girl

When you meet her she is soft-spoken and quiet. But don't underestimate her. It takes a little while for her to open up but she is so much more than what you think. She is a good listener. Once you get to know her, she is quite literally the life of the party and effortlessly funny. She is extremely polite and puts others before herself. It seems as if she is never sad, but behind her joyful exterior, she can feel alone because there are barely any people that remind her of herself. Usually have light brown features and height is medium to tall. Long hair, big eyes. Enjoys shopping, sleeping, and seeing friends.

I saw Kelsey, girl in the hallway and couldn't take my eyes off her.

by Kelsey, girl March 20, 2022

Kelsey johnson

A stupid flat ugly un loyal piece of pube hair who is a fat whore she also if your white don’t date her she cheats on you which lightskins

Person1: Is that Kelsey Johnson I heard she a cheater

Person2: ya I know

by Ttyy55 August 2, 2022

Pull a Kelsey

When a writer or creator kills off the main character just for the sake of it with no justifiable reason.

Did you see Billy’s latest story? Can’t believe he had the audacity to pull a kelsey

by Lupusadcor April 21, 2022

Kelsey and Ruby

Kelsey and Ruby are they best gfs ever no argument.

Kelsey and Ruby are the best tbh frfr

by K3lsey_ February 1, 2023

Kelsey and Jacob

Kelsey and Jacob are two powerful people when together, they are funny and sometimes cute when alone. Kelsey and Jacob have a powerful bond and nothing can ever break them apart, these two are awesome together.

Kelsey and Jacob are awesome.

by Frankie Gore August 15, 2022


The definition for Kelsey leann devoe is when your on top of the world because just everything around you is perfect and blissful nothing in the world can make you feel as good as your feeling when Kelsey leann devoe is with you she just makes your world go around I mean the next level of happy would be going through heavens gates that's the only thing that can come close to Kelsey leann devoes love folds.

Wow you see the way that dude smilin he about that Kelsey leann devoe,lucky dude for real

by Nacixem taf April 1, 2023